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British Society for Literature and Science Conference 2025: Call for Papers

British Society for Literature and Science Conference 2025: Call for Papers

The twentieth annual conference of the British Society for Literature and Science will take place at Lancaster University, on 10th - 12th April 2025 in person.

The BSLS invites proposals for twenty-minute papers, or panels of three papers, or roundtables, on any subjects within the field of literature (broadly defined to include theatre, film, and television) and science (including medicine and technology). The BSLS remains committed to supporting and showcasing work on all aspects of literature and science.

Abstracts of no more than 200 words, together with the name and institutional affiliation of the speaker, should be submitted via this form. Please state clearly whether your paper is to be delivered at the in-person or online conference. Proposals for panels should include a separate proposal for each paper. The closing date for submissions is Friday 15 November 2024.

Keynote talks will be given by:

Registration details and costs will be available soon. If there is sufficient interest, there will also be the opportunity to visit The Wordsworth Trust, in Grasmere, on Sunday 13th April.

The conference will continue online on Thursday 8th and Friday 9th May to enable wider participation; those who attend the in-person conference are welcome to also attend the online conference. The online keynote talk will be given by Dr Debapriya Sarkar (University of Connecticut). There will be a fee of £10 for the online conference to cover admin costs.

Conference bursaries: the in-person conference fee will be waived for two PGR members in exchange for written reports on the conference, to be published in the BSLS Newsletter. If you are interested in being selected for one of these awards, please mention this when sending in your proposal. You must be registered for a PhD at the time of the conference.

About the Conference: the in-person conference will be held at Lancaster University, which is a campus university, and we have booked a number of ensuite rooms for delegates onsite. All talks, tea breaks and lunches will take place in the fully accessible George Fox Building (more details here: George Fox Building - accessibility). The conference dinner will take place onsite at Barker House Farm. Delegates can apply for a pre-school place for childcare at Lancaster University Pre-School Centre.

Membership: all conference delegates are required to be members of the BSLS in order to attend the conference (£26 waged/£11 unwaged): There will also be the opportunity to join or renew membership when you register for the conference.

For further information and updates about the conference, please contact Professor Sharon Ruston at [email protected] or visit the website: Conference - The British Society for Literature and Science (

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