Life Buzz News

In brief: Paddle tennis tournament, winter flea market and more in Fox Chapel area

In brief: Paddle tennis tournament, winter flea market and more in Fox Chapel area

Pittsburgh North Optimist Foundation and Steel City Squash are partnering for a Paddle Tennis Tournament fundraiser on Feb. 2. Matches will begin at 11 a.m. at two locations -- Pittsburgh Field Club in Fox Chapel and Allegheny Country Club in Sewickley Heights. Registration is $95 per player, and space is limited to 32 players per location. For more information, visit or

Reservations begin

Indiana Township residents may reserve park pavilions for April through October beginning at 9 a.m. Feb. 3. Non-resident reservations will be accepted starting Feb. 17.

Applications must be made at the township building, 3710 Saxonburg Blvd., during regular business hours and are granted on a first-come, first-served basis.

Payment for rental and damage deposit must be made at the time of sign-up. Two separate checks or cash are required. The township does not accept credit cards for the rental fee or the deposit. Renters should bring a self-addressed stamped envelope for the return of their damage deposit check.

More information is available at or by calling 412-767-5333.

Bingo fundraiser

Addiction Recovery Ministry is sponsoring a Bingo fundraiser at 2 p.m. on Feb. 16 at the John Paul I Center, 201 9th St., Sharpsburg. The proceeds will benefit our Light of Life Rescue Mission brown bag lunch fund, which packs lunches to help those suffering from substance use disorders and all who need help with food insecurity on a monthly basis.

Prizes will be awarded for 10 regular games ($25 per game), five specials ($50 per game,) and a jackpot ($200 for the game). Cost is $25 for six cards per game.

For reservations, call Rosemarie at 412-378-9290 or email [email protected].

Free CPR class

Foxwall EMS will host a free CPR class at 9 a.m. Jan. 25 at the station, 749 Hemlock Hollow Road in Fox Chapel.

It is not a certification course. No certification cards will be administered. The course will introduce attendees to adult, child and infant CPR, obstructed airway and AED use. Registration is recommended but not required.

Sharpsburg Community Library hosts its Sharpsburg Sleuths Book Club 7-8 p.m. Jan. 28 at 1212 Main St. The club is open to adults and meets monthly. Members read mysteries, thrillers and true crime stories.

This month's reading is the true crime classic "In Cold Blood" by Truman Capote.

The staff-led program is free. Donations are appreciated. Call 412-781-0783 for more information.

Winter Flea Market & Benefit Breakfasts

Sharpsburg Neighborhood Organization and the VFW Post 709 are sponsoring Winter Flea Market & Benefit Breakfasts from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Feb. 16 and March 16. The events will take place at the VFW Post 709 Bingo Hall, 1017 Main St., Sharpsburg. A suggested donation for the breakfast will help support the VFW. There is no fee for vendors or flea market attendees. Vendor setup begins at 7 a.m.

January is National Blood Donor Month, and the American Red Cross and Vitalant are highlighting the urgent need for blood donations and their lifesaving impact.

Donations of all blood types are crucial year-round, especially type O, the most frequently transfused blood type. O-negative blood can be given to patients of any blood type, while O-positive can help most patients.

To find a Red Cross location near you and to learn more about blood donation, including eligibility information, download the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visit or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).

Vitalant, which operates about 115 donation centers nationwide, has several local collections in the works for January:

* 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Jan. 27 in the recreation hall at the VA Hospital, H.J. Heinz Campus, 1010 Delafield Road, O'Hara;

* Vitalant's Pittsburgh Fox Chapel Donation Center at One Alexander Center, Suite 207, 2585 Freeport Road, also has several collection dates: 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Jan. 17-19, 24-26 and 31, and noon to 7 p.m. Jan. 21 and 28. To check for times, find other locations and make an appointment, visit, download and use the Vitalant app or call 877-25-VITAL (877-258-4825).

To prepare before donating blood, experts recommend getting a good night's sleep; eating iron-rich foods such as eggs, meat and spinach; and hydrating by drinking an extra 16 ounces of water.

Blawnox selling commemorative ornaments, memorial bricks

Celebrate 100 years of Blawnox, which was incorporated on April 13, 1925, with a commemorative ornament.

The ornaments, commissioned to recognize the borough's 100th anniversary, were produced by Wendell August Forge. They make great gifts for Christmas, birthdays or as a special memento.

The solid metal ornaments come in a cardboard Wendell Forge box and include a picture of the borough's logo on the ornament and a card with Blawnox history on the back.

The price is $26.75.

The ornaments are available for shipping for an additional fee of $8, or they can be picked up in person at the borough building, 376 Freeport Road.

To purchase, visit

People also are encouraged to support the celebration at the above website with a tax-deductible donation to help fund the planning, promotion and production of the daylong centennial event, which is planned for Sept. 20 in Blawnox Community Park.

In addition, bricks for the borough's revitalized veterans memorial along Freeport Road are still available by the Blawnox Centennial Committee through Bricks R Us in honor of current or former Blawnox residents who have served our country. The bricks will include the veteran's name, branch of service and years of service.

The committee encourages families, friends and community members to purchase 4-inch-by-8-inch bricks. The cost is $100 per brick. Commemorative products also are available: a replica donor brick with the addition of a felt backing, $60; a miniature brick (fits in your hand) with your custom inscription, $25; and a laser-printed donor certificate showing your inscription on red-colored brick, $10.

Orders can be placed at

Adult education offerings

Fox Chapel Area Adult Education is keeping you on the move during this cold winter with at-home and in-person opportunities.

Availability is limited, but there still are plenty of options to enrich your winter, socialize with others and stay healthy throughout the season.

At-home live Zoom courses include exercise and strength training, French or Spanish language, creating mocktails and oil painting with a virtual group.

Swimming classes take place the Fox Chapel Area High School pool. Whether it's lap swimming, aqua exercise, swim lessons to learn or improve, we've got it for you. If it's family fun time you're looking for, we've got that, too. Bring the family, pay one flat rate, and enjoy some heated swim time with them at the pool. We've even got noodles and kickboards for you.

Other in-person courses include pottery and crochet. Beginning in January, hand-building and wheel-throwing will be taught by an experienced potter. A basic skills crochet class also is being taught this winter.

Class schedules and their respective fees can be viewed on Fox Chapel Area Adult Education's website at In most cases, as long as there is space, it's not too late to sign up.

Water authority scheduling appointments to replace meters

The Fox Chapel Authority is working to replace customers' water meters.

The new Sensus iPERL water meters will be installed at no cost to the customer. The new meters have no moving parts, therefore maintaining the accuracy of each meter for its 20-year lifespan. The new technology will enable FCA personnel to read the meters more efficiently.

The authority will be reaching out to customers to schedule appointments. The meter change-out generally takes about 30 minutes to complete, and the meter must be accessible for personnel to perform the task in a timely manner.

Customers need to have updated contact information, not only to schedule appointments for the meter replacement program but also so the authority can notify customers in the event of an emergency.

To verify or update your information and to schedule an appointment if your meter has not been replaced, call the authority at 412-963-0212 or email [email protected].

Part-time temporary work available at water authority

The Fox Chapel Authority is looking to hire a part-time temporary employee to assist with its meter change-out program.

Applicants must be at least 18 and have a valid Pennsylvania driver's license. The position is available for the duration of the meter change-out program, which is subject to change.

Here are additional requirements about the position:

* The job is 24 hours per week, with a schedule to be determined.

* Pay is $22 per hour, and health care benefits are not included.

* A high school education, a diploma or GED, is required.

The successful candidate also must show an aptitude for and interest in mechanical/technical task, must be able to comply with safety standards and practices, and must be able to communicate with others, specifically customers, in a friendly and supportive manner.

To apply, visit the Fox Chapel Authority's website at, click on Jobs in the menu and scroll down to the Application for Employment link.

For inquiries by phone, call the office at 412-963-0212. Inquiries by email and completed job applications can be sent to [email protected].

SAVES selling Cash Bash tickets

Southern Allegheny Valley Emergency Services is planning its annual Cash Bash on Jan. 25 to give away $11,200 in prize money.

The event will be held at a new location: Cherry City Volunteer Fire Company's hall, 309 Davis Ave., in Shaler.

Only 500 tickets are available, but each ticket includes two numbers. Tickets are $50 each.

Food and refreshments will be served; no other refreshments are allowed.

Doors will open at 5 p.m., and tickets must be presented for admission. You do not have to be present to win.

To purchase a ticket, ask a SAVES member or visit

When you purchase online, you can choose to pick up your ticket or have it mailed to you for an additional $1. If you choose to pick up your ticket, you will receive an email notification when it is ready.

In the lead-up to the annual bash, SAVES is conducting a variety of smaller raffles to benefit the big event.

Once a raffle's chances are sold, SAVES will do a Facebook Live to reveal the winner. Tickets for the smaller raffles also can be purchased online at the above link. To follow these raffles, visit Southern Allegheny Valley Emergency Services on Facebook.

Snow angels sought

Blawnox and Aspinwall are looking for volunteers to help their neighbors during the winter months.

The Best of Blawnox's Snow Angels program pairs older residents and residents with disabilities with nearby neighbors who volunteer to assist with snow and ice removal on their sidewalks and walkways.

To volunteer or apply for assistance, call 412-295-1638 or email [email protected].

The Aspinwall Neighbors Snow Angel program also connects volunteers with residents. The volunteer opportunity is open to residents 13 and older. High school students are encouraged to participate, and a certification of volunteer hours will be available.

To request a snow angel, Aspinwall residents must be 60 or older or have a physical disability. Anyone who is temporarily unable to handle snow removal because of illness or injury also may request a snow angel. To volunteer or request help, visit and click on the respective tab.

Second Harvest wishlist available online

Second Harvest Community Thrift Store, 624 Clay St. in Sharpsburg, regularly curates and updates an Amazon Wishlist for items that are most often needed at its Community Free Fridge, which is open 24 hours a day, year round.

To access the list, visit and scroll down to the wishlist mention in the lower right corner. Items can be shipped directly to the store.

Items currently needed include Campbell's Chunky Soup, peanut butter and jelly, Jergens moisturizer, toothbrushes and toothpaste, feminine products, diapers and toilet paper.

Overdose loss support group

Addiction Recovery Ministry hosts a grief support group at 7 p.m. on Tuesdays through January at the John Paul I Center, 201 Ninth St., in Sharpsburg.

The group is open to anyone who has lost a loved one to an overdose. Attendees are welcome to share their experience, grief and healing.

Heating assistance available

Peoples Natural Gas encourages its customers to take advantage of available resources to help offset winter heating costs.

The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), is now open for the 2024-25 heating season. LIHEAP is a federally funded assistance program that provides grants to eligible low-income households to help pay for heating costs. Grants start at $200 and may be higher based on income and the number of people living in the home.

To qualify for a LIHEAP grant, customers must have a total gross household income at or below 150% of the federal poverty level. Customers do not have to be on public assistance or have an unpaid heating bill. LIHEAP is open to renters and homeowners. To learn more about the income limits and to apply, visit, click on Services in the menu and search for LIHEAP.

In addition to LIHEAP, Peoples offers programs to help make energy-saving home improvements that reduce long-term costs. If you or someone you know needs assistance, call 1-800-400-WARM (9276) or visit to learn more.

Anti-litter award program offered

Environmental nonprofit Keep America Beautiful is seeking entries from children in kindergarten through sixth grade for its Litter Hawk Youth Award Program.

Children are asked to complete a project sharing their hope, optimism and concerns about litter and inspire others through art, words or video.

The theme for the contest is "Join the Greatest American Cleanup! Show us how you can keep your community litter-free for America's 250th birthday."

Children in kindergarten through grade 4 can create a poster; those in grade 5 are asked to write an essay; and those in grade 6 can create a video.

The deadline to participate is Jan. 31. Winners will be announced in April as part of an awards ceremony at the state Capitol building in Harrisburg. For an entry form, go to, email [email protected] or call 724-836-4121, ext. 104.

AAUW meets monthly

The Fox Chapel area branch of the American Association of University Women meets at 9:30 a.m. on the second Tuesday of each month from September through May at Fox Chapel Presbyterian Church, 384 Fox Chapel Road.

The group advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, philanthropy, education and research.

Meetings are free and open to anyone interested in joining.

In addition to the monthly meetings, the branch offers members a variety of interest groups as well as numerous opportunities for community service involvement.

AAUW is open to all graduates who hold an associate or equivalent, baccalaureate or higher degree from a qualified college or university. Those enrolled in an associate or a bachelor's degree program can join AAUW as Student Affiliate Members.

For details about the organization, including annual dues and grants, visit

Food, hygiene products sought

Second Harvest is always in need of fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables, milk and cheese, canned goods, cereals and personal hygiene products for its Community Free Fridge in Sharpsburg.

The Community Free Fridge is an outdoor, full-size refrigerator, freezer and pantry area, stocked with perishable and nonperishable donated food items available to anyone who needs them. It is open 24/7 every day and is located in the parking lot area of Second Harvest, at 624 Clay St.

Lauri Ann West Community Center, as a proud sponsor of the initiative, serves as a drop-off location for goods. People can bring their donations to the center at 1220 Powers Run Road in O'Hara during normal operating hours, and staff members will deliver the items to Second Harvest.

Pantry items wanted

Sharpsburg Community Library needs items for its Little Free Pantry at 1212 Main St.

Items needed include tomato sauce, pasta, tuna, cereal, mac and cheese, fruit snacks, peanut butter, snack packs and shelf-stable milk.

Items not needed include applesauce, pretzels, fruit cups, pudding, canned soup, canned beans and toiletry products.

Donations can be made during library hours from 1 to 7 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1 to 5 p.m. Fridays and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturdays.

The pantry is stocked three times weekly and is completely supported through donations.

Sharpsburg will celebrate its 200th birthday in 2026. Residents interested in planning or volunteering to help with any events are invited to sign up for the borough's Bicentennial Committee.

To access the signup form, visit and scan the QR code under the header "Want to help plan the bicentennial events?"

The borough anticipates having multiple events throughout the anniversary year and will need lots of help.

Weight loss support

All are welcome to join the men and women at Oakmont TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) who are learning how to lose weight. With in-person meetings, rewards, support and encouragement, we gain knowledge of healthy eating and exercise.

You may visit with no obligation Tuesdays at 5:45 p.m. at Redeemer Lutheran Church, 1261 Pennsylvania Ave. in Oakmont. Weigh-in is private followed by a brief business meeting, sharing time, and educational program all ending by 7:15.

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