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ROOKE: Risqué Or Revolutionary? People Are Losing Their Minds Over A New 'Conservative' Dress

ROOKE: Risqué Or Revolutionary? People Are Losing Their Minds Over A New 'Conservative' Dress

A women's magazine is going viral after introducing a new line of provocative dresses. While everyone is allowed to express their opinions, conservatives are missing the point.

Our culture is starved of beautiful things. Everything women are sold to wear is either casual clothes or made to make women appear more masculine. From oversized sweaters and pants to yoga leggings and matching sweatsuits, femininity is left out of the equation when designers craft our wardrobes.

Enter Evie Magazine. Evie has never claimed to be a conservative magazine. For goodness sake, its website boasts sex and relationship tips. However, it wants to be a magazine where women can find beauty and reconnect with their feminine style. Between the posts about the harms of birth control, marital advice and sweet Christmas traditions, they started a dress line with their brand

Their latest release is a dress they dubbed "The Raw Milkmaid Dress." Conservative "trad-moms" lost their minds over the model's size 32G bust almost falling out of the dress. Critics slammed the company, claiming it was overpriced (it's being sold for around $190) and not modest, traditional or conservative in any way. (ROOKE: 'Fighting For Women's Rights' Is What Got Us Into Transgender Bathroom Mess In The First Place)

And that's fine. It's okay for people not to like that dress or feel it's too expensive. However, people are missing the point. If we want to form a culture that gives women their divine femininity back, we have to start somewhere. If we're going to reject the scourge of feminism and the woke culture it bore, why attack seemingly the one company searching for a way to draw young women in?

With Evie Magazine, we can finally reclaim what was taken from us. The magazine's readers are mostly moderate to conservative women looking for someone to speak to them about their desire to join the anti-feminist movement. They hate birth control but don't really understand why. They want to be good wives, girlfriends and mothers and need a voice that gently guides them into our world.

The Evie dress harkens back to a time when women weren't forced to be corporate shills, working in an office all day with people who do not care or love them, destined to climb the corporate ladder where each step sheds another layer of their beauty and femininity.

No, the dress isn't practical. You can't actually milk a cow or tend to chickens and children in this dress. But, again, those critiques aren't the point of this product. It's not made for the women who have already broken the cycle of our anti-feminine culture. (ROOKE: Leftist Magazine Champions Dangerous Solution To Solve Military's Recruitment Problem)

This dress is for the women who look into our lives and dream of the day they are us. They want to leave their corporate jobs, get married and have pictures of themselves holding a baby on their hip, one more in their belly and a toddler making funny faces at their side. They want this life but have no bridge to cross to get there.

The Raw Milkmaid Dress is the bridge. It's what will draw them out of their androgynous clothing and into the world where femininity is celebrated. Single women can wear this dress and envision themselves walking their future pastures with their children in the late fall, waiting for their husbands to come home. It's also a symbol for like-minded men to see and know that this is the life they are searching for.

Evie should be celebrated for bringing beauty back to women's clothing, not demonized because their dress line doesn't fit a conservative dress code. This is the first time in decades that the female body has been celebrated for its natural beauty and not forced into a corporate girlie design.

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