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10 Signs Of A Genuinely Classy Person That Can't Be Faked

10 Signs Of A Genuinely Classy Person That Can't Be Faked

We tend to picture classy people based on their appearance alone: Someone who wears designer clothes and has expensive hobbies, like going to the opera or playing golf.

Yet the real marker of class isn't how you present yourself from the outside. True class comes from who you are and how you treat others.

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A classy person embraces who they are. They're less concerned with fitting in than feeling like their truest selves. They've done a lot of self-reflection to determine their guiding values, and they live life by what they believe in. They're committed to being themselves, which means making decisions that honor what's important to them.

They don't need to seek outward approval to feel good about themselves. Instead, they create a life that's full of meaning and purpose, and find their joy through doing what they love. A genuinely classy person shows up as their most authentic self in every situation, because they believe in who they are.

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A person who has genuine class also has deep compassion for others and for themselves. According to a review published by psychologists in 2016, having compassion involves three distinct elements: Noticing, feeling, and responding.

A compassionate person notices someone else's suffering. Then, they experience empathic concern by widening their perspective to include what that person is going through. They respond by wanting to support that person and extending help to them.

Self-compassion has three main components. The first part of having self-compassion is to show ourselves kindness instead of being self-critical. The second part is to be mindful of our emotions, meaning that we recognize and accept painful feelings, instead of forcing them to change. The final part of self-compassion involves acknowledging our common humanity, which requires us to see suffering as an integral part of being human, instead of something that isolates us from one another.

Genuinely classy people extend support to those in need, while giving themselves grace as well.

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Learning to love yourself isn't always easy. It can take a lifetime of intentional practice to love yourself fully, yet a genuinely classy person knows that self-love is a journey worth taking.

Someone with genuine class has a high sense of self-worth. They know that they have inherent value and they don't cut themselves short. Developing a sense of self-worth requires knowing your limitations, setting boundaries that work for you, and knowing what makes you feel nourished.

As career and transformation coach Lisa Petsinis explained, knowing your worth means recognizing your value. She shared steps a person can take to boost their sense of self-worth, saying, "Take stock of what you bring to your relationships, work, and community. Everyone has a unique set of talents they bring to each situation. Find your gifts and honor your contributions."

Just like having genuine class, having a true sense of self-worth is something that can't be faked.

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A classy person takes the phrase "dress for success" and makes it work for themselves as an individual. They're not trying to impress anyone with their style, they dress to make themselves feel good.

This might mean leaning toward comfortable clothes, like worn-in sweatshirts and joggers. It might mean putting on makeup and jewelry, along with a fancy dress. A person with genuine class knows that their clothes are an expression of their personality, and they always stay true to themselves.

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Another indication of a genuinely classy person is that they treat others with respect and refrain from passing judgment.

They meet people where they're at, which means they hold space for a wide range of experiences and emotions. They also hold back on judging themselves, because they know that being self-critical creates a negative feedback loop that can be impossible to break.

According to a 2019 study, a person who's judgmental about their own thoughts and feelings is less well-adjusted than those who practice self-acceptance.

The study's authors noted that "A judgmental attitude towards one's thoughts and feelings is the strongest predictor of both depression and anxiety." The study concluded that cultivating a "Normalizing, accepting, non-judgmental attitude" toward oneself decreases the likelihood of depression and anxiety, while fostering a stronger sense of well-being.

By not judging themselves or others harshly, classy people show up as their most genuine selves, even when that means facing hardship or struggle.

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A key component of being a genuinely classy person is understanding one's own emotions. These people take time to process how they feel and accept their emotions, without forcing themselves to feel differently, even if their emotions are painful or difficult to navigate.

Having high emotional intelligence is a hallmark of a genuinely classy person.

Researchers from a 2018 study defined emotional intelligence as "The ability to identify, understand, and use emotions positively to manage anxiety, communicate well, empathize, overcome issues, solve problems, and manage conflicts." They added, "With emotional intelligence, you learn to insist, to control your impulses, to survive despite adversities and difficulties, to hope for and to have empathy."

By understanding their own emotions, a person has the ability to explore other people's emotions. Having high emotional intelligence bridges the gap between one person and another, allowing us to see others for who they really are. - Yuri A. | Shutterstock

Oftentimes, a truly classy person has the kind of magnetism that draws other people in. They give off a warm, positive energy that makes others want to be around them. Because they accept themselves so deeply, that affirmation extends to other people, too.

Someone with genuine class cares about other people's comfort, yet they don't compromise their own boundaries to make other people feel good. By being true to their own needs, they can support others without overextending themselves.

Another sign of a genuinely classy person that can't be faked is that they communicate honestly with other people. Classy people are direct, but they make sure not to cause any intentional harm. They tell you what they really think without being cruel.

A genuinely classy person is honest with others, and they're also honest with themselves. They acknowledge the mistakes they've made and they don't put themselves on a pedestal, so they're above anyone else. They know that the key to real inner change is honesty in self-reflection.

They show their innate classiness by speaking their truth, which is something that can't be faked.

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A genuinely classy person knows when to say their piece and when to stay quiet. They're happy to take a backseat and let others share their opinions, because listening is a cornerstone of class.

In a psychology paper from 2022, researchers established that our individual and collective well-being is enhanced when people feel heard. High-quality conversational listening requires someone to pay attention, process what's being said, and express their engagement.

Genuinely classy people don't always take center stage in conversation. They tend to listen more than they speak, because they're keenly aware that truly hearing someone is how human connection is made.

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Genuinely classy people consider how their behavior affects the people around them. While they always live for themselves, they don't do so in a selfish way that might harm others.

They weigh their options, think through consequences, and make balanced decisions that honor their needs without causing damage.

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