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Catholic Strong, coming to end, fuels diocesan and parish projects

Catholic Strong, coming to end, fuels diocesan and parish projects

From technological improvements and building renovations and repairs, to support for diocesan-wide programming and increased livestreaming of Masses during COVID-19, the Catholic Strong campaign has had a far-reaching impact across the Catholic community in South Jersey.

Initiated by Bishop Dennis Sullivan in 2018, the Campaign for the Catholic Community of South Jersey - known as Catholic Strong - set out to energize the faithful and raise funds to meet critical parish and diocesan needs. Now at the end of this six-year campaign, nearly $35 million has been collected, and there are an additional $4.798 million in pledges outstanding as the Dec. 31 payment deadline quickly approaches.

"Having pastoral and administrative concern for our parishes and schools, I decided to engage our Diocese in the Catholic Strong Campaign in 2017, following the wise guidance of our Diocesan Finance Council," Bishop Sullivan said. "Thanks to the generosity of our faithful Catholics and the leadership of our pastors, it was very successful. As I visit parishes around the Diocese, I see the results of the campaign, such as improved maintenance of properties and new pastoral programs. To our pastors and to all who contributed to Catholic Strong, my sincere gratitude for your participation and for your care for and love of our Church."

From the onset of the campaign, the objective was to ensure that funds would most benefit local parish communities - with 70 percent of funds raised by each parish being returned for local projects and programs.

"Catholic Strong was a needed campaign," said Father Robert Hughes, diocesan Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia. "It had been nearly 30 years since the Diocese had embarked on a capital campaign, and the Diocese and its parishes, schools and institutions were in need of capital improvements."

"The major success of Catholic Strong was felt where we expected - in the parishes," he continued. "Parishes were able to complete capital projects, and many have been able to establish new ministries with the available funding."

The campaign supported a wide range of projects at the parish level - which were identified by parish leaders and tailored to the unique needs of each community - including evangelization efforts, capital improvements, debt reduction and more.

For instance, Saint Simon Stock Parish, Berlin, renovated its original 1931 church into The Parish Life Center, which is an accessible facility with a reception hall, coffee station and other amenities for those of all ages. In Saint Andrew the Apostle Church, Gibbsboro, parishioners now enjoy refinished, padded pews; a shiny porcelain-tiled floor; and a state-of-the-art sound and video system. And the beloved, historic Saint Nicholas of Tolentine Church in Atlantic City (Parish of Saint Monica) saw completion of the final wave of restorations to the 1905 worship site - with walls replastered and repainted, marble polished, artwork cleaned and architectural features regilded.

"It has been wonderful to see the parishes use the funds collected for their capital improvements as well as local spiritual and evangelical needs," said Stacy Napolitano, diocesan director of development. "This was all made possible by the generosity of parishioners across the Diocese. We thank you for all you have done to ensure that the Diocese of Camden is Catholic Strong."

The remaining 30 percent of Catholic Strong funds was allocated for diocesan-wide projects and ministries, as well as the administrative costs of the campaign itself. The "Convocation of Catholic Leaders: The Joy of the Gospel in South Jersey" that drew some 800 attendees in 2019, the Eucharistic Candlelight Procession on the Atlantic City boardwalk in 2022, and the Diocesan Eucharistic Congress in 2023 are among initiatives supported by the campaign.

Funding also enabled Catholics to virtually gather and worship amidst the global COVID-19 pandemic, as livestream programming and online mission programs allowed faithful to stay connected.

South Jersey Catholic schools have also seen an influx of funding to assist with faculty and staff development, notably in the area of catechesis, curriculum expansion and new methods for engaging youth and young adults.

Joe DiFilippo is a member of the Diocesan Finance Council, and serves as head of the council's committee on institutional development. He was tasked with collaborating with the Diocese's Office of Development to evaluate the feasibility of a capital campaign.

"Our Diocese had not ventured a large capital campaign in many years, and Bishop Sullivan thought it was time we investigate the timing and viability, as our parishes were in great need," he said.

And while the pandemic, clergy sexual abuse, and Chapter 11 restructuring complicated fundraising efforts, DiFilippo considers the campaign to have been a great success.

"The faithful in our Diocese responded extremely well. I experienced this firsthand in my own parish. Parishioners would tell me they prayed over what they gave, and often their gift was larger than expected. Sacrifices were made in many of those cases," he said. "Many projects within the parishes that have been on hold for many years have now been completed or are in the process of being completed."

DiFilippo emphasized the local benefits of the campaign, with pastors and parish councils identifying critical needs at the onset. His parish of Saint Mary of Mount Carmel, Hammonton, saw the replacement of its front doors, roof repairs, the repaving of two parking lots and the renovation of a kitchen at Saint Anthony's Hall.

"All of these important projects could not have been done without the capital campaign," he said. "Needless to say, our parishioners were very excited to see all of the improvements. The fact that most, if not all, of their contributions stayed within the parish was the driver to the success of the campaign."

Father Hughes credits clergy and faithful across South Jersey for making the Catholic Strong campaign such an impactful initiative.

"The pastors of the Diocese and their local Catholic Strong teams deserve the recognition and credit," he said. "They worked hard to achieve their goals and have responsibly managed the funds raised to the benefit of their parishes and schools."

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