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3 Zodiac Signs Will Power Through Obstacles The Week Of September 23 - 29, 2024

3 Zodiac Signs Will Power Through Obstacles The Week Of September 23 - 29, 2024

This week, Mercury, the planet of communication, is the star of the show as it completes its transit through practical Virgo. On September 24, Mercury trines Uranus, giving us the potential for mental acuity and the potential to solve problems in new ways, helping three zodiac signs overcome their obstacles.

On September 25, Mercury opposes Neptune, creating confusion, brain fog, and the potential for misunderstandings and misinformation. Later in the evening, it trines Pluto, giving us the ability to clear our mental processes and speak with conviction. On September 26, Mercury enters Libra, changing Mercurial energy entirely.

Libra is connected with court matters, but Mercury in this sign is not significant enough to create a legal situation. Mostly, this will affect our partnerships and relationships with others. Some partnerships may change, evolve, or go to a different level. Mercury in this sign is not as critical as it is in Virgo, and most people will be prone toward compromise as opposed to arguing with one another. Libra is the sign that rules the seventh house of partnerships and marriage, and much of our focus will be here over the next month.

Venus also enters Scorpio on Sunday evening for the next month. Venus in Scorpio can attract others with intensity and a willingness to commit. Feelings run deep, but at times, they can display jealousy or a desire to dominate others.

If you were born during the last few degrees of Cancer, you are experiencing the final pass of Pluto opposing your Sun. This hasn't been easy, and there isn't a Cancer on the planet that hasn't been through this. Many partnerships have changed or been affected for the worse. The good news is that after November 19, Pluto will never return to Capricorn again in our lifetimes, so you are at the end of a difficult cycle.

Things are off to a little bit of a rough start on Monday, Cancer, but responsibilities call even though you may rather sleep in. The day will get easier as it goes on.

You are dragging again on Tuesday morning and may feel about the same way you did yesterday, but it's off to work or whatever your responsibilities are today. By afternoon, you look discontented and may have an issue with someone of the opposite gender today, so it's important to be aware.

Thursday may be the most difficult day because by early evening it looks as though you are in some type of emotional turmoil relating to a partner. They may have triggered something that takes you back to an old issue from the past, but your emotions are intense and the potential is strong for an argument about a deep-seated issue. If you are up in the early morning hours, the focus is love, and it appears you are still focused on the friction that occurred earlier. Either way, your emotions are involved, and while it's not as intense, you are still in turmoil.

All is well until Saturday afternoon when you are presented with an unexpected issue or situation from a friend or love interest. This doesn't mean an ending, but it may be quite a shock. It could take you until Sunday to calm down, but you will.

In spite of the obstacles you face, by Sunday, you have overcome things for the most part. Whatever the trigger caused your negative reaction on Thursday appears to be history and perhaps the final test. Enjoy your day because you look like your mental and emotional processes are integrated, and you are back to yourself and on track again!

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Money matters, friends, and groups may be on your mind Monday morning. Bear in mind that groups can refer to organizations and companies. You may feel stuck this morning and as though things aren't going your way, but this should improve later in the day.

Tuesday morning begins with brain fog, confusion, and worry. This could relate to a friend, but money isn't far from your mind this morning either, along with some worry that may or may not be substantiated. By afternoon, you feel emotional, and it seems something is being dredged up from your subconscious mind that you would be better off just letting go of. From Tuesday evening into Wednesday morning, you seem to be in a world of confusion and worry -- and probably tired to boot. Your concerns appear to be over money or finances.

Thursday morning, it looks like you are dwelling on past issues and hurts, which are likely connected to family. The evening looks intense as well, and this may have to do with a partner, past or present. If you remain focused on this issue, it will go into the early morning hours on Friday.

There is an improvement on Saturday until mid-day when it looks like you are shocked by news or something that happens. This appears to be personal to you; it is not a major disaster, but it may derail your day.

There will be improvement on Sunday if you can just stop worrying about things that don't matter in the grand scheme of things. By now, you realize that while it was a topsy-turvy week, in the end, everything has basically turned out ok, and there has been no real tragedy. Leo, you do like drama, even if it's unconscious!

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Work worries dominate Monday mornings, and this could potentially involve some type of conversation or meeting. This isn't uncommon for Capricorn, however. Tuesday morning looks much the same: worry and potentially confusion over which path to take, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, though it may feel uncomfortable since you are used to being so decisive.

On Thursday, you may manage to dredge up some deep-seated issues around relationships. This is all from the past, but if you stay on this path, it could result in an argument by early evening, which would be pointless. Switch focus to avoid bringing this energy into the following morning hours.

Saturday afternoon brings a change of plans and potentially an upset concerning a friend, love interest, or child. The problem is that it comes out of the blue, which is something you don't deal with well -- but trust that it's not personal.

By week's end, you will know that you have been through some turmoil, but it also looks like you overcome your work and financial worries. Perhaps there is a lesson to be learned, Capricorn. Has it occurred to you that, at times, you make mountains out of molehills? You are the most driven of signs, but relax a little more, and you will see better results.

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