Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question -- how much of it? It's a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!
An investigation behind your expanding waistline will reveal the usual suspects today. Chocolate, potato chips and soda always seem to be lurking nearby, ensnaring you in their nefarious grasp. Break free today by eating healthy snacks like yogurt, nuts and fruit.
Moments of intimacy may punctuate an otherwise dull day. These passionate encounters may not necessarily involve other people, however. But a nighttime encounter with a New York-style cheesecake will be almost orgasmic in its intensity.
Your thoughts will be deep but scattered today. This will cause you trouble articulating them to friends. So do something tonight that they can understand, like an invitation to a home cooked dinner featuring your famous barbecue baby back ribs.
Stick with what you know today. Venturing into unknown territories could have negative results. You'll want to try a coq au vin recipe, but throw that chicken on the grill instead. Then you'll be dining on a masterpiece rather than something that looks like a science experiment gone wrong.
Surprise your family by insisting on cooking for them today. It's rare that you tie on the apron, and they'll appreciate your thoughtfulness. Just don't tell them that the beef stew you'll serve them comes from a can and the wine comes from a box. What they don't know won't hurt them.
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You'll feel restless today, unable to unwind. Get some exercise so you can release pent-up energy. Not only will it help you relax, but you won't feel guilty later when you pig out on a calorie rich meal of creamy chicken breast smothered in a butter-based gravy served over biscuits.
This could be you today as a hot new romance erupts in your life. So whip up a meal that expresses your fiery yin and yang connection. Angel hair pasta with a marinara sauce heavy on the chili flakes could cover it quite nicely.
People will be drawn to you like kids to ice cream today. Could it be your sweet personality that attracts them, or your tart and tangy sense of humor? Or could it be because you'll fire up the grill later today, and you'll share the burgers and bbq with everyone?
You'll be feeling moody and sluggish today. There may not be a reason for this, but don't dwell on it. Just keep to yourself and do things around the house, like cooking a spicy chili. The heat generated from something so fiery could get your blood pressure back to normal.
It's a favorable day to make decisions. Clarity of vision will point you in the right direction. Armed with this insight, you'll turn your nose at cookies and cakes and turn to fruits like apples, bananas and mango for your midday sugar rush.
Your actions will slow to a crawl today. Good for you; you need some down time. Putter around the house or just crash on the couch and watch movies. Don't even bother rattling those pots and pans later in the day. It's for days like this that they invented pizza delivery.
In your dreams you're a pearl diver, descending to watery depths to retrieve the perfect orb. This dream may haunt your waking hours, but use it as inspiration. Later in the day when you're feasting on oysters and clam chowder you'll be happy to discover that it's no fantasy.
What does the moon say about your emotional nature? Master your emotions with a Natal Moon Report!