On Tuesday, December 17, 2024, hardships end for three zodiac signs who find the courage and strength to rise above the challenging astrological energy of Moon opposite Pluto.
We've spent enough time feeling like we can't live up to certain expectations, and all we want is to get up the nerve to say "No" to those who don't believe in us. During the Moon opposite Pluto, we don't stay down; we rise and get active as we realize we have a choice.
These three zodiac signs stand up to challenges and see their hardships end. We are no longer content to sit with our mouths shut; it's time to speak up, stand tall, and go for it.
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We have to thank our lucky stars for conflicting transits like Moon opposite Pluto because these are the wake-up calls we need. In your case, Gemini, you've been in dire need of the change to finally face your demons and get rid of them, once and for all.
Whatever has been holding you back has not only become a bad habit but a way of life for you, and it's on December 17, during the transit of Moon opposite Pluto, that you finally see the light. And what this light reveals is a possibility; you are not locked into habitual behavior. You can beat this.
And you do, Gemini. This is great news for you, because not only do you recognize your strength today, but you can use that strength to rise above that one last challenge that took too much of your time. Enough of it all! It's time to regain your status as a winner. It's about time and you know it. Fight the good fight, Gemini!
Not everyone shares your challenges -- they are yours to overcome. During Moon opposite Pluto on December 17, you may find that you're losing patience with someone in your life. This person is not an immediate member of your tribe, but you do have to see them often, and you've let them get under your skin, perhaps one time too many.
This is more than likely someone you work with, and you haven't quite figured out how to dance with them, because the truth is, you will have to see this person again and again, and you know you have to find a way to make this work.
That's how the Moon opposite Pluto does its work for you, Virgo, by implanting in you a ray of hope, so that you're able to see the future with this person as a zen experience rather than one filled with dread. You transform a negative into a positive, and good for you!
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Your challenges have really gotten on your nerves. You know you have a choice as to how to process the challenges that really and truly do exist and feel like it's now or never when it comes to finally rising above.
With the Moon opposite Pluto on your side, you get to see what you've gone through from an outsider's point of view, which suddenly sheds light on everything. Now, it makes sense. You had to go through this and that, to get here. Had you not experienced what you did, then you wouldn't have what you have right now.
On December 17, you see that it's all about attitude. You can stick with the old attitude and remain where you are, or you can rev up your emotional engines and change every single thing that needs changing. And you, being someone who craves newness and change ... go for it. All the best to you, Aquarius.
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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.