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The Luckiest Day Of The Week For Each Zodiac Sign From January 27 - February 2, 2025

The Luckiest Day Of The Week For Each Zodiac Sign From January 27 - February 2, 2025

Each zodiac sign will have one luckiest day of the week from January 27 - February 2, 2025. The luckiest moments in life are often unexpected. Yet, these surprises teach you to trust and see how you are worthy of more than you dreamed of. While life may not happen precisely as you had planned, you are still being led to your destiny.

Mercury enters Aquarius, and we also will have a New Moon in this inspiring air sign. The week will end with a dreamy conjunction of Venus and Neptune in Pisces on Friday, January 31. Venus rules over matters of the heart, real estate, and finance. In Pisces, it has a deeply romantic and spiritual energy, helping you honor your intuition in all aspects of your life.

As Venus aligns with Neptune in Pisces, you will feel luckier as your dreams intensify and your optimism increases. Good fortune can help you take the forward-thinking energy of Aquarius so that you can embrace the changes that Uranus direct in Taurus will bring into your life.

On your luckiest day of the week, adopt an unconventional approach to your finances, dear Aries. You excel in thinking up new and exciting ideas but often limit yourself by what seems possible. Yet, as Uranus stations direct in Taurus on Thursday, January 30, you will be inspired to trust your unique vision to attract greater wealth.

While this energy increases your finances, it will also give you practical ideas of what you can take action on to ensure that happens. You may be drawn to investing in different projects or starting your own business around this time.

Rather than just putting all your efforts into one area, spread them out and start following through on your unique ideas. This will help you create abundance in finances and have the life you've always dreamed of.

Remember what you deserve, sensitive Taurus. You are entering an extremely lucky period in your career as the Aquarius Sun aligns with retrograde Jupiter in Gemini on Thursday, January 30. The Aquarius Sun helps you step out of your comfort zone and believe in yourself enough to take action.

On your luckiest day, retrograde Jupiter in Gemini will also bring awareness of your financial life and what defines true abundance. As the Aquarius Sun and retrograde Jupiter in Gemini align, you will receive success in your professional life that will also bring greater wealth to your life.

Be sure to use this energy in your career by advocating for a promotion, scheduling an interview, or applying for a new position. You truly have the power of the stars behind you, so it's time to start using it.

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Honor the desires of your heart, Gemini. You may be so focused on your professional goals that you haven't left much room for personal ones. While steadily making strides in your career, it's time to start thinking about what you want to experience or accomplish for yourself.

The New Moon in Aquarius rises on your lucky day, Wednesday, January 29, bringing expansion and adventure into your life. Aquarius governs themes connected to new beginnings, travel, growth, and spirituality, so use this to focus on what you want for yourself rather than strictly on your career goals. If you are busy with work now, make space for yourself, and don't forget that life is meant to be enjoyed.

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Follow your dreams, beautiful Cancer. Life has felt tedious recently as you've been careful about your chosen path and why. This stems from the healing you are still moving through as part of an old chapter, but it shouldn't stop you from progressing. Follow your dreams, Cancer. Dreams aren't meaningless or whimsical but deeply connected to your purpose in this lifetime.

As Venus and Neptune unite in Pisces on your luckiest day of the week this Friday, January 31. You are being empowered to believe in your dreams, to trust that you are destined for a life of abundance, and to start listening to your inner self. This is an incredible time for a new beginning in your life, but you want to ensure you're not limiting yourself. Any dream can become reality if you believe in it.

Everything is happening for your highest good, dear Leo. Career changes are in store on your luckiest day of the week as Uranus stations direct in Taurus on Thursday, January 30. Uranus is helping you awaken to your divine potential to embrace the changes that will bring about the greatest luck and abundance. While you've been mulling over ideas about your future, it's time to do that rather than think about what you want. Now is the time to start to take action.

A small step will pay off, especially as this year progresses for you. You deserve to have a career that truly fulfills your soul, and part of that is knowing when it's time to embrace change. There may be challenges in trusting which direction to move; however, you can't let doubt hold you back any longer. Embrace changes in your career -- or become the catalyst for them; either way, you are headed into a new and exciting professional chapter.

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Do what feels right for you, lovely Virgo. You may have been reflecting on how to craft a life that not only fulfills your needs but also feels good for you. Aspects of self-care and well-being have been prominent recently as you've realized you can't, nor should you be expected to do it all.

Because of this, you've been restructuring your life if you haven't yet taken action. However, as the Aquarius Sun aligns with retrograde Jupiter in Gemini on Thursday, January 30, you will receive a lucky boost in moving forward with your plans. You may want to consider how to work from home on this day.

Whether this is working remotely, having a permanent position, or beginning your own business. While you are marked for success, it won't come through traditional avenues. Working from home, or wherever your soul leads you, can help you become successful and feel like your best self. Embrace new opportunities and honor what feels right for you.

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Never underestimate yourself, Libra. Embrace your creativity as the New Moon in Aquarius rises on Wednesday, January 29. The New Moon is a time for beginning and initiating projects that you've been considering. In Aquarius, it intensified your house of creativity, helping you to embrace this day's lucky energy in the work you do or in figuring out how to live the life you want.

Aquarius energy also carries themes of independence and authenticity, reminding you to listen to yourself in this chapter of your life -- and not anyone else. Look for new and creative solutions to old challenges, embrace your creative side, or become open-minded about what the life of your dreams is meant to look like.

Everything will seem like it has greater possibility around this fortunate time; you only need to seize the opportunity to believe that it all could turn out far better than you've ever hoped.

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Tend to what is important to you, dear Scorpio. You have had a fervent desire for freedom and independence recently. Although you've had to become comfortable with your dreams, you are now beginning to have the confidence to take action finally.

The week ahead is full of opportunities for personal transformation -- but it's on your luckiest day that it may come with the need to let go of what isn't in alignment. On Thursday, January 30, the Aquarius Sun will align with retrograde Jupiter in Gemini, helping you feel hopeful about the life changes you want to make.

This will allow you to release the guilt or shame that has kept you in cycles of unfulfillment. Be aware of opportunities to speak your truth or to take action on something that previously scared you. You are stronger than you give yourself credit for and capable of manifesting your dreams than you know.

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Remain open to miracles, Sagittarius. You've had a bit of a rough go recently. While this is all part of helping you elevate your life and make the changes that you are seeking, it hasn't always been the easiest. However, you've been learning that you are empowered to make the changes you seek rather than simply feeling like you're waiting for someone else to do it.

On Monday, January 27 Mercury will return to Aquarius, bringing luck and focus to your sector of sacred understanding and communication. This will allow you to believe in yourself deeply, as well as bring about a new awareness of what you can do to attract luck into your life.

There may be relevant aspects of writing, publishing, or podcasting around this time and it would be a positive avenue to explore. This energy gives power to your voice and helps you understand the world around you, which is all you need to change your life.

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Seek clarity, dearest Capricorn. You must become incredibly clear on what it is you want and what is most important to you. This will deal with the financial abundance that you hope to attract as well as the experiences and relationships that you hope to instill within your life.

The universe has been teaching you that abundance is more than just the number in your bank account, and as the New Moon in Aquarius rises on Wednesday, January 29, now is your time to set your intentions. On your luckiest day of the week, focus on what you want this new chapter in your life to consist of.

While you should allow yourself to set intentions for greater wealth, also be mindful of focusing on the relationships you have with others. There has been a shift recently in which you realize just how much you need others in your life, and by honoring that, you will truly attract the abundance you've been seeking.

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You deserve it all, Aquarius. Although you've been going through some tests from the universe involving your worthiness and what you deserve, it's about to all pat off -- quite literally. Venus and Neptune will unite in Pisces creating great luck on Friday, January 31, highlighting your house of wealth and abundance. This is also the source of those divine tests on worthiness you've been moving through, but with this energy, you will finally be receiving the rewards.

Anything connected to finances, real estate, or love would be intensified during this period. Reflect on what you know you are worth, and start acting like you deserve everything you are due. You don't have to choose between being successful in your career or romance, but you can have it all.

You just need to remember that life isn't meant to be a constant struggle but a process of aligning yourself with the universe so you can attract what is meant for you. Explore every offer you receive and be willing to let your life change for the better.

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Embrace your authentic power, mystical Pisces. You often feel out of place in the world because you were born to be a leader in all that is to come. You are the mystic, the visionary, and the dreamer.

While you must learn to use your voice and take up space in the world, you can't waste time doubting your unique vision. As Uranus stations direct in Taurus on Thursday, January 30, your luckiest day of the week, you will awaken to your divine nature.

New and unconventional ideas will start streaming in and it will feel like you have a greater connection to the source. You may challenge others simply by being yourself, yet that is no reason to water yourself down.

Focus on your presence in the world and how you use your inner voice. There is a great deal of lucky change and abundance ahead of you when you can embrace your authentic power and start using your authentic voice.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.

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