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I Just Noticed Drew Carey Does Something Hilarious On The Price Is Right Regularly, And I Need To Talk About It

By Mick Joest

I Just Noticed Drew Carey Does Something Hilarious On The Price Is Right Regularly, And I Need To Talk About It

With 2024 winding down, I find myself waiting on the 2025 TV schedule and watching The Price Is Right 24/7 on Pluto TV a lot more. While I don't think it has made me any better at guessing the prices of various household items and new cars, I tend to notice some patterns from marathoning the daytime game show for long stretches. Specifically, I noticed something hilarious that Drew Carey does, and I have to call it out.

In addition to sharing a few strategies people should use if they go on The Price Is Right, I noticed a thing the host does that initially seemed pretty cruel. Now that I've seen it happen multiple times, however, I think I understand why it happens, and it makes me laugh several times an episode.

Drew Carey doesn't plan on retiring from The Price Is Right and wants to keep the hosting gig until he dies. It's a good thing, then, that he's so great in the role and people show up with shirts honoring him and his home state of Ohio in an attempt to get selected to play. Carey often notices this and will call attention to it, and generally you'll see him be very friendly to the contestants up until one certain point.

I can't help but notice that the minute a contestant loses on The Price Is Right, he completely ices them out and pretends as though they don't exist. Legitimately, he'll tell them something like "tough luck" and then step away from them with his back turned and just proceed to act as though they were never there. This often leaves the contestant staring and unsure of what to do until they're eventually left to find their way offstage. This happens several times in an episode and it only gets funnier to me every time.

How could a man who fed his staff through the writers' strike come off so heartless on television? It's odd, especially when the previous host, Bob Barker, usually offered condolences to contestants upon losing. I can only speculate, but I think I know the reason, and it comes down more to logistics than anything.

The Price Is Right is a fast-moving show that has to have enough contestants to spin the wheel so they can compete in the final showcase. When someone loses, Drew Carey has to act fast and find the next person he can to spin the wheel for that Final Showcase. As fast as the show moves, there's not enough time to slow it all down to make someone feel better about losing. Carey's job is to keep the good vibes rolling, and he certainly thrives at that, which I appreciate. It doesn't make it any less hilarious when it happens, and I'll continue to chuckle while watching Pluto TV or newer episodes with my Paramount+ subscription.

The Price Is Right is on daily CBS and, as mentioned, can be found on Paramount+ and on its 24/7 channel on Pluto TV. I can't recommend marathoning the show enough, as it reminds me of taking a lazy sick day in grade school, except I don't feel sick.

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