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How to Improve Employee Engagement - 6 Actionable Strategies

By Stephanie Ross

How to Improve Employee Engagement - 6 Actionable Strategies

Issues like employee retention, engagement, and recruitment have always been a cause of headaches for employers. However, things took a turn for the worse after the pandemic. Employees had difficulty adjusting to working in-house after staying at home for months. As a result of these adjustment woes, employee engagement has further dropped in workplaces. Employers must create strategies to rectify the situation if they don't want their company's productivity to keep falling.

According to Gallup's employee engagement data in 2023, 50% of employees are not engaged and focus solely on doing the bare minimum at work. Employers have started taking steps to improve employee engagement to stop the issue from escalating.

The following six actionable strategies can go a long way in improving the rate of employee engagement for your company:

Internal communication is a deal-breaker for most employees in today's workplaces. A survey revealed that 85% of employees feel more motivated if internal communication is effective. As a result, the most important thing for employers to focus on is two-way communication.

Employees need to feel heard and understood, but they also need to receive feedback. Companies can arrange one-on-one and group sessions to allow workers to give and receive feedback. Employers should also focus on being open with employees on work-related matters. When managers effectively convey crucial information to employees, engagement in the workplace will automatically improve.

Recognizing your employees' efforts can go a long way toward building strong relationships with them. If employees work hard to deliver good results but aren't appreciated, they will ultimately stop engaging at work. However, if employers regularly reward employees based on their performance, they can improve the engagement and productivity of the workforce.

Companies can take different routes for rewarding their employees. For instance, they can book special getaways for teams that perform well on a project. They can also get custom trophies made to reward employees for their achievements. Moreover, reward systems can be expanded to motivate employees to come to work on time and adhere to deadlines.

Burnout and disengagement are two of the leading causes of quiet quitting in modern workplaces. They can also decrease employee attendance rates, leading to a decrease in productivity. If a company wants its employees to deliver their best, it should focus on their wellness.

Creating a flexible work environment and providing access to mental health resources are some strategies companies can adopt to help their employees. Many companies have also started arranging annual checkups, demonstrating their concern about their employees' wellness.

Companies often promote diversity of thought but need to adhere to the same principle during recruitment. Employees will find it difficult to openly contribute to work discussions if they are in a non-inclusive community. Companies need to step up and create a diverse and inclusive workforce based on equality. Understanding that inclusivity does not only mean hiring people from different backgrounds is crucial.

Once you have created a diverse workforce, you should also work on nourishing it. Creating and providing equal opportunities to employees should also be a part of every company's improvement strategy. When all employees have equal opportunities, they will thrive and give their best to every project. Treating employees with fairness will also make them respect the company.

If your employees don't see a future for themselves at your company, they will lose interest in their work. Employee engagement decreases when they feel their hard work will lead to nothing. Companies also neglect the growth and development of employees, causing the problem to worsen.

Employers can resolve the issue by investing in employee growth and development. One way to do this is to conduct regular training sessions to refresh employees' knowledge. Companies can also sponsor part-time degrees for employees. It's critical to note that employee performance and engagement will improve once they start feeling a connection with the company.

One of the most crucial things for today's employees is a purpose. Employees not only want to find a purpose in their work life but also want to work for a company that has a vision. Being clear about your company's values is one way to show employees how their efforts will contribute to the greater good.

Employee engagement is crucial for an organization's smooth operation. Adopting the above strategies can help you take the first steps toward improving employee engagement at your company.

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