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PrepMod: Interview With Founder Tiffany Tate About The Vaccine Appointment Scheduling Company

By Amit Chowdhry

PrepMod: Interview With Founder Tiffany Tate About The Vaccine Appointment Scheduling Company

PrepMod is a solution designed to streamline vaccine appointment scheduling. The platform facilitated vaccinations in 44 states and earned recognition for its impact in accelerating the roll-out of life-saving COVID vaccinations. Pulse 2.0 interviewed PrepMod founder Tiffany Tate to learn more about her background and the company.

"My background is rooted in public health, a field I've been passionate about for as long as I can remember. I've always been driven by a desire to help people and to make a meaningful impact on how they value their health. This passion led me to pursue an undergraduate degree in healthcare administration, which gave me a solid understanding of how the healthcare system operates and how different components work together."

"For over 20 years, I've been deeply involved in immunization and health equity, focusing on improving access to vaccines and addressing chronic diseases. My work has been all about making a difference."

"It is only in the past four years that I've ventured into the tech world. This transition happened somewhat by chance when I encountered a significant challenge in my public health work for which technology offered a solution."

"My experience in public health and healthcare across various settings has given me a unique perspective on opportunities for innovation and automation. Combining my public health expertise with technological solutions has allowed me to address complex challenges and drive meaningful improvements in health outcomes."

"During the pandemic, we created PrepMod, the nation's first mass vaccination application, and built a company around it. At the height of the pandemic, 70,000 healthcare providers across the country were using the system with our team of 40 employees supporting them. PrepMod has remained the market leader and continues to be a pioneer in this field."

"I've been combining my public health expertise with tech innovations ever since, and it's been an exciting journey of blending two fields I'm passionate about."

Formation Of PrepMod

How did the idea for the company come together? Tate shared:

"My journey into tech started almost by accident. While running a program that provided health services in schools, I faced a major challenge: by the end of the first year, we had amassed 10,000 pieces of paper that needed to be transcribed for reporting purposes."

"Seeing this overwhelming task, I realized there had to be a better way to handle it. That's when I came up with the idea to integrate technology to streamline our processes. Although I didn't have a tech background at the time, this experience pushed me to dive into the world of tech. My focus has remained on leveraging technology to enhance public health, ensure health equity, and reduce disparities. It's been quite a journey, and I'm grateful for the unexpected path that led me here."

"That's when I decided to create a software application to collect consent electronically, streamlining the whole process. Over time, I evolved this application to address the challenges posed by COVID-19. What started as a solution to a logistical problem ended up forming the basis of the company. It's been a journey of adapting and growing, driven by the need to solve real-world problems with technology."

Favorite Memory

What has been Tate's favorite memory working for the company so far? Tate reflected:

"One of my favorite memories working with the company has to be when we secured our first major contract from the State of California. What made it so special wasn't just the financial aspect, but the fact that my colleagues in public health -- who knew I had no prior experience in tech -- had enough confidence in me and my commitment to public health to buy the system from us. Their trust and support meant a lot to me. It's humbling to think that they chose to work with us during one of the biggest public health crises of our lifetime. I still get a bit emotional when I think about it."

Core Products

What are the company's core products and features? Tate explained:

"Our core products and features are all about finding simple solutions to big problems in healthcare and public health and promoting health equity. We are proud of our track record in anticipating the needs of those on the front lines of public health work."

"We're committed to creating systems that are intuitive and user-friendly. I always emphasize that our products should look easy to use and then be easy to use in practice. We've built in a lot of intuitive features and made sure our applications are accessible to people with disabilities."

"Additionally, we strive to serve a broad audience, which is why our applications are available in over 19 languages. At our core, we are public health professionals first and a software company second. We take pride in being proactive and developing solutions that truly meet the needs of those working in public health."

"Our flagship product, PrepMod, revolutionized public health technology by streamlining the vaccination process from scheduling to tracking vaccine, setting a new standard for mass immunization and community health efforts."

"One of our systems connects state health databases, facilitating easier access to medical records and giving patients and providers control over how health information is shared across state lines."

"Another solution simplifies the organization of community-based health events, managing all logistics involved in planning health clinics and making it easier for healthcare providers to reach underserved populations."

"We also offer a high-tech toolkit for public health emergencies that automates the entire preparation process, helping communities stay resilient during crises or resource shortages."

"Our reimbursement system automates claims for public health services typically provided for free, ensuring prompt payment and allowing healthcare providers to redirect resources to uninsured individuals."

"Additionally, we provide a modern solution for managing personal health records, enabling individuals to carry and manage their health data on their devices. This improves communication with healthcare providers and makes it easier to track and manage health information on the go."

"We have also introduced a new application designed to assist patients in completing their referral appointments, such as imaging. This tool helps patients find and book appointments online, provides live support throughout the scheduling process, and alerts their primary care provider once the appointment is completed. If patients miss their appointments, the system helps them reschedule and offers assistance with transportation and other needs to ensure they keep their appointments. This proactive approach is crucial for saving lives and preventing conditions from worsening due to missed care."

Challenges Faced

What challenges have Tate and the team face in building the company? Tate acknowledged:

"One of the biggest challenges we've faced recently is that many people in public health have reverted to their old ways of doing things. During the pandemic, we were all thrust into a rapidly evolving situation, and technology became crucial. However, as things have settled, some have returned to their previous workflows without fully integrating the technology that proved so valuable."

"What we learned during the pandemic was that public health was significantly under-resourced and that many were not accustomed to relying on technology. This created a steep learning curve where individuals had to quickly adopt new tools, find solutions that fit their needs, and train others -- all within a short timeframe. Now, as people go back to familiar processes and wait for the next surge, it's a missed opportunity. Embracing technology and evolving our practices is crucial for being better prepared and more efficient in the future."

Evolution Of PrepMod's Technology

How has the company's technology evolved since launching? Tate noted:

"Since launching, our technology has evolved significantly to better meet the needs of the rapidly changing healthcare and public health landscapes. We've developed what we now call an 'ecosystem' of applications, designed to automate major functions within these fields. This ecosystem consists of a collection of integrated solutions, each addressing key challenges and streamlining critical processes."

"Our focus has been on enhancing our architecture to be more nimble and adaptable. This new architecture allows us to offer a "choose your own adventure" approach, where users can mix and match different applications to create a system tailored to their specific needs. This flexibility not only makes our system less prone to bugs but also allows for quicker enhancements and reduces costs."

"In a field where changes occur frequently, this nimbleness is crucial. While many of our peers may take months to implement significant updates, we've streamlined our process so that major changes can typically be made in about two weeks. This agility ensures that we can keep pace with the dynamic landscape of healthcare, continually refining our ecosystem to better serve our users and address emerging challenges."

"This evolving ecosystem includes our core solutions, which automate critical functions in public health and healthcare, such as managing vaccination processes, connecting health databases, organizing community health events, preparing for public health emergencies, and facilitating reimbursement for services. Each application within this ecosystem integrates seamlessly with the others, providing a comprehensive and cohesive approach to improving health outcomes and operational efficiency."

Significant Milestones

What have been some of the company's most significant milestones? Tate cited:

"We've had several significant milestones that we're quite proud of. One of our major achievements was reaching the milestone of serving 1 million people, and we're thrilled to have grown that number to nearly 20 million. At one point, our system was relied upon by 70,000 healthcare providers simultaneously, which was a huge validation of our technology's impact."

"We've also secured partnerships with some of the largest companies in the nation, including one of the world's largest employers and a leading laboratory company. While I can't disclose their names, these partnerships have been pivotal in showcasing the scalability and effectiveness of our solutions. Each of these milestones reflects our commitment to advancing public health through innovative technology."

Customer Success Stories

After asking Tate about customer success stories, he highlighted:

"We have so many inspiring customer success stories, but one that stands out is about a user who initially had a tough time with our system. She was quite resistant at first and would often voice her frustrations publicly about using it. Despite her initial reluctance, she eventually became one of our biggest advocates."

"Now, she's so enthusiastic about the system that she could practically give commercials for us. She actively participates in meetings and frequently shares how much the system has improved her workflow and how easy it is to use. The amusing part is that, while the system hasn't changed much since she first started using it-I keep that little detail to myself. Her journey from skeptic to champion is a testament to the impact our technology can have and how it can win over even the most doubtful users."

Total Addressable Market

What total addressable market (TAM) size is the company pursuing? Tate assessed:

"Our company is pursuing a substantial total addressable market (TAM) within the public health and healthcare sectors. Given our focus on improving public health processes and addressing health disparities through technology, we target a broad range of organizations, including healthcare providers, public health departments, large employers, and laboratory companies."

"Specifically, we aim to serve the entire public health ecosystem, which encompasses a vast number of entities and individuals involved in health services and management. Our market extends to those needing efficient, user-friendly solutions for managing health data, improving vaccination processes, and addressing chronic disease management. With nearly 20 million people served and partnerships with major national and global companies, our market potential is both extensive and growing as we continue to innovate and expand our reach."

Differentiation From The Competition

What differentiates the company from its competition? Tate affirmed:

"What sets us apart from the competition is that we are a public health company first and a technology company second. Our team is composed of individuals with backgrounds in public health or who have been trained in the field. This deep understanding of public health drives everything we do."

"We see our customers as colleagues and involve them in our decision-making process for both major and minor updates. This collaborative approach ensures that our solutions are genuinely tailored to the needs of those on the front lines. We're driven by a passion for this industry and a commitment to addressing the significant work that remains in supporting public health."

"Our focus isn't only on profit; it's on making a meaningful impact and saving lives. This dedication to our mission and our strong alignment with the needs of our public health colleagues differentiate us in a way that's deeply rooted in our core values and purpose."

Future Company Goals

What are some of the company's future company goals? Tate pointed out:

"Our future goals are centered around evolving our product line to meet the ever-changing needs of public health and healthcare. We aim to keep our solutions sensible, intuitive, and accessible to everyone who needs them."

"Our primary focus remains on those on the front lines -- whether they're working directly in the field or in the office -- who are dedicated to improving health and efficiency. We want to continue supporting their efforts and making a positive impact on public health."

"In essence, our goal is to build on our current successes and keep enhancing what we do, ensuring that our technology continues to serve and support those who are working hard to make the world a healthier place."

Nicknames In The Health Community

You have been referred to as a "Hidden Figure" and a "Fairy Godmother" in the health community, do you feel this a fair assessment and why? Tate replied:

"Being referred to as a 'hidden figure' and a 'fairy godmother' is both flattering and somewhat bittersweet for me. On one hand, it's genuinely nice to know that my efforts and contributions are appreciated and noticed. However, it also highlights a troubling reality: the groundbreaking work of women and people of color in tech and public health is still often hidden or goes unrecognized."

"It's somewhat disheartening that people are surprised when they learn that a Black woman created technology that has made a significant impact, like managing vaccine rollouts. This reaction underscores how rare it is for such achievements to be visible and acknowledged."

"I didn't start out with grand ambitions to create pioneering technology or travel from country to country to inspire young people to enter tech. My journey began with a natural inclination to solve problems and make a difference. One example of this is our program in Ghana, where we're providing young men with paid training to become software engineers. The "fairy godmother" label emerged from this initiative, as we're giving these individuals opportunities they might not have had otherwise."

"So, while it's humbling to be given these labels, they also serve as a reminder of the ongoing need to recognize and celebrate the contributions of underrepresented individuals in our field. The work we're doing is driven by a genuine desire to make a difference, and it's rewarding to see that recognized, even if it sometimes takes unconventional forms."

Additional Thoughts

Any other topics you would like to discuss? Tate concluded:

"One topic I'd like to discuss is the importance of having underrepresented individuals at the table in tech -- whether it's in development teams or coding. Research shows that companies benefit significantly from diverse teams. They not only produce better products but also tend to be more profitable when women and people of color are involved throughout the software development lifecycle and in leadership roles."

"This issue is particularly important to me, which is why we've developed a free training program in Ghana to train young men as software engineers and are launching a similar program in Jamaica to train young women. After nine months, these young people will be ready to enter the workforce as entry-level software engineers."

"I also believe that a college degree isn't always necessary for becoming a software engineer. While there are essential skills -- like strong mathematical abilities, writing and reading comprehension, and good interpersonal skills -- that our program focuses on, we recognize that not everyone has the opportunity to pursue a traditional college education. Our goal is to provide these individuals with the skills they need to secure jobs and support their dreams, giving them a fair chance to succeed in the tech industry."

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