These are the best all-around Perk builds for each Overwatch 2 hero. / Activision Blizzard
The Overwatch 2 team is completely revamping the game in Season 15 with fundamental gameplay changes that will result in significant meta shifts. The new Perks System will update hero abilities and enable new, more targeted strategies. Let's explore which Perks are best for each Hero.
Overwatch 2's new Perks system allows players to customize their hero's build throughout the game. There are two types of Perks: Minor perks, which provide a small buff, and Major perks, which provide intense gameplay change.
Players can gain Perks by progressing through in-game levels. A Hero's level charges over time as they damage enemies and create impact. Minor Perks unlock at level 2 while Major Perks unlock at level 3. This places pressure upon team members to keep up and carry their own weight while also ensuring high-performing players can snowball and heavily impact a match.
Each Hero has different perks. Heroes have two options for Minor Perks and two options for Major Perks. Users will choose their builds based on situational necessity -- for example, if the enemy team is running Pharah, Echo or Mercy, Ramattra's Vengeful Vortex (which pulls airborne enemies down) might be a smart choice.
Let's explore a list of each Overwatch 2 Hero's Perks and determine which are the strongest. It's important to note that these rankings are based on general performance, and sometimes the opposite Perk will work better as a counter to a specific Hero or ability. These rankings are based around what works consistently, benefits teammates and suits a Hero's traditional role.
Minor Perks: Groggy and Biotic Bounce
While Groggy's slow is nice to have, Biotic Bounce is great because it effectively almost doubles Ana's Biotic Grenade effectiveness. After Ana shoots the grenade, it will explode, bounce and explode again for another 50 damage.
Major Perks: Headhunter and Shrike
Being a DPS healer is fun, and Ana has serious potential in this department. Both Major Perk options encourage her damage abilities. Shrike allows Ana to be Nano'd too when she Nanos a teammate, so she can deal tons of damage and will be far harder to dive.
Minor Perks: Rapid Fire and Sidewinder
While Sidewinder greatly increases mobility, Rapid Fire's Attack Speed benefits generally outweigh it. In exchange for a small 15% damage reduction, shots are 30% faster.
Major Perks: Viper's Sting and Airburst
Viper's Sting is a deadly ability for Ashe players with good aim. Every time Ashe hits 2 consecutive scoped shots, her ammo for those 2 shots is refunded. What makes this perk especially good is that these don't even have to be headshots or crits -- any scoped shot counts!
Minor Perks: Field Medicine and Automated Healing
Field Medicine is the better perk here since it restores health to Baptiste and his allies when his Immortality Field is destroyed. In clutch situations, those health points buy a bit of extra time and can be the difference between winning and losing a team fight.
Major Perks: Assault Burst and Rocket Boots
Baptiste's Rocket Boots come in clutch to keep him alive during important fights. It's always tempting to go for Assault Burst to supplement Baptiste's effortlessly cool aura and effective gun, but extra healing potential for your teammates is just too important to sacrifice.
Minor Perks: Smart Bomb and Armored Artillery
You've seen Flank Bastion. Now, meet Tank Bastion! Armored Artillery is the logical choice here as Bastion often takes as much damage as he deals. Having that tanky extra overheal will help cushion him from dives, which he is quite vulnerable to.
Major Perks: Lindholm Explosives and Self-Repair
A self-healing war robot -- need we say more? Self-Repair is the logical choice to keep Bastion healthy and functioning for continuous impact.
Minor Perks: Barrier Restoration and Morale Boost
Brigitte is the healer who's most likely to make fights up close and personal, but she still needs to be a team player. Morale Boost provides more team value by extending her Inspire effect by 3 seconds.
Major Perks: Quick Fix and Whip Lash
Quick Fix also provides more value to the team by instantly applying an extra 35 health to allies in critical health. Whip Lash is nice for extra damage, but doesn't contribute as much to the traditional Support function.
Minor Perks: Quick Draw and Past Noon
Quick Draw, which increases crit damage, is more important than Past Noon because of its consistent impact. Past Noon is far more situational, and hopefully, players won't fumble their Ultimates.
Major Perks: Gun Slingin' and Bang Bang
Like any hitscan, playing Cassidy is all about finding the right positioning. When roaming the map, you need to constantly reposition to avoid punishment. Gun Slingin' is better in this aspect since it cuts Cassidy's roll cooldown (6 seconds) by half, removing 3 seconds for every successful critical hit.
Minor Perks: Bunny Stomp and Ejection Suit
Ejection Suit is better as an insurance policy since it adds temporary health to baby D.Va after she is unmeched. If she can survive and rejoin the team fight, it would be a game changer for the group.
Major Perks: Shield System and Heavy Rockets
Shield System will extend D.Va's longevity by converting 150 health to shields and utilizing Defense Matrix to restore them. It's also more consistent with traditional tank play than Heavy Rockets.
Minor Perks: One Two and Survival of the Fittest
One Two reloads Doomfist's Hand Cannon ammo after using Rocket Punch on an opponent. This is a great perk to ensure he can immediately follow up after isolating an enemy.
Major Perks: Seismic Empowerment and Power Matrix
Doomfist can absorb projectiles in the first second of a block with Power Matrix. He's already difficult to kill, and this will help him eat damage for his team and stay alive.
Minor Perks: Friendly Imaging and Enhanced Duplication
Both of Echo's Minor Perks are strong. That being said, Enhanced Duplication can extend Duplication time and allow her to create more impact.
Major Perks: Full Salvo and High Beams
Full Salvo will be more useful for traditional DPS gameplay as it increases Sticky Bomb projectile count by 50%.
Minor Perks: Tracking Bolts and Bounty Collection
Tracking Bolts is strong, but it will require game sense to capitalize on effectively. Bounty Collection is an overall safer bet that consistently farms ult charge through eliminations.
Major Perks: Ready to Hunt and Job's Done
Job's Done offers a permanent 20% Take Aim cooldown reduction after 5 unique elims, which will be strong late game.
Minor Perks: Acrobatics and Dragon's Thirst
Genji's movement can be difficult to master. In high elo where this isn't an issue, Acrobatics might be a better bet, but Dragon's Thirst is solid overall to gain 30% life steal from Genji's already powerful Ultimate.
Major Perks: Blade Twisting and Meditation
Meditation allows Genji to regenerate health while using Deflect. It's a great way to improve his survivability while dashing around the map and tide him over until he can reach the next health pack.
Minor Perks: Sonic Disruption and Scatter Arrows
Neither of Hanzo's Minor Perks are particularly OP, but Scatter Arrows is the most conservative bet to provide long-term damage impact with extra projectiles. That being said, players should absolutely grab Sonic Disruption instead if they notice a health-pack-reliant Hero like Wrecking Ball, Tracer or Sombra on the enemy team.
Major Perks: Dragon Fury and Yamagami Technique
Dragon Fury accelerates Hanzo's attack speed after damaging enemies, which supplements a damage-focused DPS build.
Minor Perks: Off the Top and Reconstitution
Reconstitution will help Hazard finish enemies off after isolating them with his wall. The Perk adds up to 50 charge after Jagged Wall hits.
Major Perks: Anarchic and Deep Leap
Anarchic lets Hazard grab 25% lifesteal from Spike Guard so he can stay in the fray for a long time. This is especially deadly combined with Reconstitution.
Minor Perks: Rapid Construction and Summer Solstice
Illari's Healing Pylon is vital for preserving space. To keep its impact consistent throughout the game, Rapid Construction will speed its spawn time by 300% and reduce its cooldown by 1.5 seconds.
Major Perks: Solar Power and Sunburn
Solar Power rewards Illari for damage by ensuring full-charge shots grant up to 50% overfill of her Solar Energy. This extra reservoir comes in handy for healing your team.
Minor Perks: Rending Recall and Battle Shout
Battle Shout provides the most team value by reloading Scatter Gun and increasing ally reload speed by 50%.
Major Perks: Deep Wounds and A Savage Satiation
A Savage Satiation gains equal life steal from JQ's Ultimate damage, ensuring she can turn the fight into a long-lasting, bloody brawl.
Minor Perks: Aluminum Frame and Nitro Boost
While both of Junkrat's minor perks are relatively lacking, Nitro Boost is the better option because it allows players to move the Rip-Tire faster (although it does cut its damage by 50%.)
Major Perks: Frag Cannon and Tick Tock
Junkrat's projectiles are important for knocking back enemies, moving around the map and securing kills with a quick burst of heavy damage. A faster projectile speed is great, but the benefits of Tick Tock outweigh it. The bomb receives higher damage, health and explosion radius.
With Master Blaster, Juno can crit enemies using her ray gun. This way, she can contribute more damage and defend against attacks.
Minor Perks: Urgent Care and Fortune Teller
Urgent Care delivers healing to critical-health allies 50% faster, which can preserve team numbers and make a huge impact.
Major Perks: Shuffling and Foxtrot
While Shuffling only affect's Kiriko's movement, Foxtrot grants allies 50% move speed after being cleansed with Protection Suzu.
Minor Perks: Cleansing Grasp and Life Cycle
Both Minor Perks are solid options, but Life Grip's decision-making is difficult to master. Life Cycle restores 10 health per second and also provides allies with 250 healing if Lifeweaver dies.
Major Perks: Lifeweaving and Superbloom
Superbloom helps Lifeweaver's healing blossoms pack an extra punch after using Rejuvenating Dash.
Minor Perks: Bass Blowout and Groovin'
Picking between Lucio's two Minor Perks is tricky because both are great in different situations. However, unless you're an infamous Reddit Lucio who has mastered cheeky knockback spots, Groovin' will generally be more consistent and restore 4 ammo per second while wall riding.
Major Perks: Noise Violation and Accelerando
Accelerando is great for damage, but Noise Violation will generally provide more value to the overall team by significantly increasing Crossfade's range.
Minor Perks: Kinetic Bandolier and Two Hearts
Above all, Overwatch is an objective-based game, and Two Hearts plays to Mauga's strengths as a tank by counting him as two heroes and regenerating health while on an objective.
Major Perks: Firewalker and Combat Fuel
Mauga's lifesteal is irritating enough as it is, but Combat Fuel will grant up to 100 overhealth so Mauga can continue aggressively taking space with the team.
Minor Perks: Chilling Reach and Permafrost
Chilling Reach increases Mei's Primary Fire range by 30%. This is especially helpful for farming ult charge while playing from a safe distance.
Major Perks: Biting Cold and Cryo-Swarm
Cryo-Swarm deals 70 damage per second to nearby enemies when Mei is in Cryo form, which helps her re-emerge at an advantage.
Minor Perks: Angelic Recovery and Winged Reach
Mercy's Angelic Recovery puts her at a huge advantage and supplements her Sympathetic Recovery passive. While Guardian Angel is attached to an enemy with full health, Mercy will also heal for 15 health per second.
Major Perks: Chain Boost and Flash Heal
With Chain Boost, Mercy can Damage Boost two allies at once. This provides consistent impact throughout a match and is useful for team fights.
Minor Perks: Vanish and Uprush
While Uprush is great in high elo for unexpected angles, Vanish is the overall winner here as it increases Fade time, allowing for smoother escapes and easier repositions.
Major Perks: Ethical Nourishment and Contamination
Contamination reduces healing to enemies being damaged by an orb by 25%. This provides a big advantage in team fights and can be quite effective as long as players keep up their own team's heals.
Minor Perks: Fleeting Bulwark and Heat Dissipater
Fleeting Bulwark grants an additional 100 Overhealth in Fortify, which helps Orisa preserve space and thwart aggression as intended.
Major Perks: Charged Javelin and Projected Barrier
Projected Barrier replaces Orisa's Javelin Spin with a shield. It's also the same Projected Barrier from the original Overwatch. If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
Minor Perks: Drift Thrusters and Helix Shields
Drift Thrusters aids Pharah's movement and enables her to reposition while using Barrage. This helps get some extra damage in and makes it far harder for enemies to shoot her out of the sky.
Major Perks: Concussive Implosion and Fuel Stores
Since Concussive Implosion is very situational, Fuel Stores is a safer pick that will grant 50% fuel for each Jet Dash with a 100% Overfuel capacity.
Minor Perks: Void Surge and Prolonged Barrier
Prolonged Barrier increases Ramattra's shield duration by 25%, which squishy teammates (and Ramattra himself) will appreciate.
Major Perks: Nanite Repair and Vengeful Vortex
While Ramattra already knows the language of violence, Nanite Repair will teach him the language of healing with a useful 50-health-per-second increase in Ravenous Vortex.
Minor Perks: Death's Shadow and Soul Reaving
Death's Shadow significantly increases Reaper's range so he can play more flexibly.
Major Perks: Dire Triggers and Ravenous Wraith
Dire Triggers combined with Death's Shadow makes Reaper a long-range menace. As a hero suited to dives, Reaper's Dire Triggers long-range shotgun volley can help execute escaping targets.
Minor Perks: Crusader's Resolve and Fiery Uptake
Fiery Uptake heals Rein's shield equally with his Fire Strike damage. It's great for keeping it charged and ready.
Major Perks: Shield Slam and Crushing Victory
Shield Slam allows Rein to damage enemies using left click while shield is up. This is a deadly build combined with Fiery Uptake as it allows Rein to absolutely bully enemies in close quarters while taking very little damage.
Minor Perks: Scrap Hook and Hog Toss
Scrap Hook recharges Roadhog's ammo after each successful Chain Hook, which is nice to have and might be more useful than Hog Toss' slight Pigpen range increase.
Major Perks: Invigorate and Hogdrogen Exposure
Hogdrogen Exposure heals Roadhog's enemies for half his Take a Breather healing. This is huge for team fights, especially if Roadhog is eating most of the damage.
Minor Perks: Kinetic Cycle and Massive Impact
Kinetic Cycle reduces Sig's rock cooldown while absorbing projectiles. This is extremely OP in lower elo where players struggle to avoid charging his Kinetic Grasp and will still check conscious decision-making in high elo.
Major Perks: Hyper Strike and Levitation
Sigma's Levitation gives him massive aura points. It serves a practical purpose too, helping him avoid damage and reach unexpected angles.
Minor Perks: Extended Mag and Overcharged
Sojourn's Extended Mag will let her take longer fights instead of typical short engagements and increase her ammo by 1/3 for a consistent impact.
Major Perks: Dual Thrusters and Adhesive Siphon
Adhesive Siphon can stick Disruptor Shot to an enemy, ensuring prolonged damage while providing Railgun energy.
Minor Perks: Recycled Pulse Munitions and Field Emergency
Field Emergency will provide value to teammates by doubling heal on critical condition allies.
Major Perks: Agility Training and Stim Pack
Stim Pack is most useful when combined with Field Emergency. With this ability, Soldier 76 can use Biotic Field to increase attack and reload speed while being unhealable. If both perks are unlocked, players can pick which to use and be prepared for any situation.
Minor Perks: Viral Efficacy and CTRL ALT ESC
Both Minor Perks here are strong, but Sombra's effectiveness lies in her survivability and potential to cause disruption. Since she often dashes in and out of skirmishes, she's no stranger to surviving with critical health. CTRL ALT ESC can immediately begin passive health regen when Sombra utilizes her Translocator, which can be crucial to ensure she can escape without a scratch.
Major Perks: White Hat and Stack Overflow
Both Sombra Major Perks are great, but White Hat is consistently valuable for healing allies with Hack. However, Stack Overflow is better against flighty enemies like Tracer, Doomfist and Wrecking Ball, as it doubles their Hack silence duration so the team can finish them off.
Minor Perks: Sentry Capacity and Advanced Teleportation
Sentry Capacity provides an extra Turret charge, so it's stronger for maintaining space.
Major Perks: Perfect Alignment and Shield Battery
Shield Battery places Symmetra at an advantage when using her Teleporter at critical moments.
Minor Perks: Craftsman and Fully Loaded
Torb support was not on our 2025 bingo card, but it's here indeed as Craftsman enables him to restore allies' armor with Forge Hammer.
Major Perks: Anchor Bolts and Overloaded Turret
Anchor Bolts will let Torb mains place turrets in new locations on walls and ceilings, providing the advantage of surprise.
When used with Blink packs, Flashback (which restores all Blinks upon recall) gives Tracer an insane amount of Blink charges.
Minor Perks: Seismic Sense and Excavation Exhilaration
Excavation Exhilaration slashes cooldowns during Venture's Ultimate to encourage quick damage.
Major Perks: SMART-R Excavator and Covered in Dirt
Covered In Dirt immediately replenishes Venture's Explorer's Resolve shields by almost half when using their Clobber passive, making them even more fearsome when diving.
Minor Perks: Scoped Efficiency and Focused Aim
Widowmaker's magazine contains 35 bullets. Scoped Efficiency reduces the ammo cost per shot from 5 to 3, meaning Widowmaker can now shoot 12 times without reloading instead of 7 (almost twice as many).
Major Perks: Escape Plan and Deadly Deux
Widowmaker's squishiness and impact make her a prime target for dives. Luckily, Escape Plan reduces her grappling hook's cooldown by up to 4 seconds after making successful scoped shots. This upgrade is the obvious choice since it enhances her mobility and, combined with her higher magazine capacity, makes her overall a more survivable character.
Minor Perks: Short Circuit and Heavy Landing
Heavy Landing is less situational than Short Circuit and lets Winston make the most of his Primal Rage Ultimate.
Major Perks: Chain Lightning and Revitalizing Barrier
Winston's Revitalizing Barrier will fit right into his usual playstyle since it provides regeneration while in his shield. This sets him up to dive opponents,
Minor Perks: Steamroller and Pack Rat
Wrecking Ball's primary function is buying time with chaos, so he needs to be survivable. It's never been a secret that Overwatch's favorite rodent relies on the health packs around the map, and Pack Rat is an extra layer of security that means Wrecking Ball gains 100 extra health from each of them.
Major Perks: Hang Time and Transfer Efficiency
While Hang Time is great for an individual impact, Transfer Efficiency's team advantages make it the stronger choice. Ally health is increased by 33%, and cooldown is decreased by 1.5 seconds.
Minor Perks: Jump-Ups and Gravitron Crush
With Gravitron Crush, Zarya can deal 30% of enemies' max health over time in Gravitron Surge. It's great to guarantee Ultimate kills and ensure no opponents escape unscathed.
Major Perks: Energy Lance and Spotter
Zarya's Energy Lance will be strong especially against teams without shield tanks. In combination with Gravitron Crush, it can cause heavy damage.
Minor Perks: Zenith Kick and Ascendance
Zenyatta can float like a butterfly and sting like a bee with Ascendance, which lets him hover and quickly reposition.
Major Perks: Focused Destruction and Duality
Duality lets Zenyatta automatically heal allies with 20% of his Orb of Discord damage, which suits his support role better than Focused Destruction.