After it was passed by City Council, police in a West Virginia town say they will start enforcing an ordinance on January 1, 2025, that will prohibit drivers and pedestrians from stopping on roads or highways to exchange items, like money.
Wheeling, West Virginia Police said they will start enforcing the city's Pedestrian and Vehicle Safety Ordinance on Jan. 1, 2025.
The ordinance passed on November 7, 2024.
The ordinance prohibits exchanging items from motorists to pedestrians on public roadways within city limits. The exchange is considered a public safety hazard and brings on the concern for crashes that could result in serious injury to either party.
The exchange of any item is prohibited at intersections, in medians, on shoulders, and in roadways. Pedestrians and non-motorists are also prohibited from standing or sitting in these areas unless they are lawfully crossing the street.
If violated, pedestrians and motorists could be subject to a citation. A first-time offense will result in a verbal warning; a second offense will result in a written warning; a third offense or more will result in a citation. The penalty can be up to and not more than $100 or community service.