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City Council Approves Agreement for Zero-Emission Bus Purchases

City Council Approves Agreement for Zero-Emission Bus Purchases

As part of Monday's consent council, the City Council approved an agreement with Caltrans to receive $2.5 million in carbon reduction program funding for zero-emission bus purchases and amend the Capital Improvement Program budget.

This funding aims to enhance the city's public transit fleet and reduce transportation-related carbon emissions.

The grant, awarded by the Southern California Association of Governments, is part of a broader initiative under the federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.

The funding is intended to support projects that directly contribute to reducing transportation emissions and promoting sustainable public transit options.

The Director of Transportation will be appointed as the designated agent for managing the grant documentation, and amending the Fiscal Year 2025 Capital Improvement Program Budget to reflect the new funding.

The purchase of these zero-emission buses aligns with Pasadena's Zero Emission Rollout Plan and California Air Resources Board regulations, which mandate transit agencies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from their fleets.

By replacing existing fossil fuel-powered buses, the initiative is expected to significantly lower the city's transit-related air pollution.

The other big item on the consent calendar was as follows:

The Pasadena City Council approved a $400,507 contract on Monday with Reconview LLC for the purchase of a mobile observation tower, a decision aimed at enhancing public safety and crime prevention efforts in the city.

Here are the remaining items that passed on Monday's consent calendar:

Amendments to the FY 2024 Adopted Operating Budget. Throughout the fiscal year, budget amendments are necessary to account for unanticipated changes to the adopted budget. These revenue and appropriation amendments are presented to the City Council for consideration. This agenda report includes proposed amendments to the FY 2025 Operating Budget as adopted by the City Council on June 10.

Authorization for the City Manager to enter into a Metro-Approved agreement with the City of San Marino to exchange $750,000 of Pasadena's General Fund dollars currently dedicated to transit services for $1 million of San Marino's Proposition A local return dollars. The move is aimed at enhancing transit services in the region. San Marino's uncommitted Proposition A funds is generated by a half-cent sales tax approved by Los Angeles County voters in 1980. The agreement is designed to facilitate the provision of eligible transit operations, programs, and projects in Pasadena following discussions initiated by San Marino officials in April, expressing interest in a fund exchange. The funds from San Marino will be allocated for transit services, allowing Pasadena to augment its transit operations. This exchange represents the sixth such partnership for Pasadena, which previously engaged in a similar agreement in June 2022 with the City of Cudahy. Once the funds are received from San Marino, the Transit Fund will be reimbursed, resulting in a net increase of $250,000 in Proposition A funding available for future transit initiatives.

A cooperative agreement with Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority identifying roles and responsibilities related to the design and construction of the North Hollywood to Pasadena bus rapid transit project and receive reimbursement up to $925,000. The agreement would outline the roles and responsibilities for the design and construction of the North Hollywood to Pasadena Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Project which aims to enhance public transportation connectivity between North Hollywood and Pasadena. The project will span 18 miles, linking key transit hubs and passing through the cities of Los Angeles, Burbank, and Glendale. The BRT system will utilize advanced traffic signal technology in Pasadena to minimize travel times, while outside the city, it will operate in dedicated bus lanes on city streets and freeways. This high-capacity transit option is designed to offer fewer stops and improved speed compared to traditional bus routes.

Approval of key business terms of an affordable housing loan agreement with HHP-Walnut LLC for a short term $3.2 million City construction loan in Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena Regional Housing Trust fund for an affordable housing project at 1878 E. Walnut St. and amendments to the housing departments FY 2025 Operating Budget. The loan agreement will finance the construction of a mixed-income condominium project featuring 60 for-sale units, including 25 low-income units and six moderate-income units. The overall project cost is estimated at nearly $49 million. The loan is necessary due to delays in receiving previously awarded funding from the State of California's Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities program. The City council could also amend the Housing Department's Fiscal Year 2025 Operating Budget to recognize and appropriate the grant funds. The loan is structured with a 24-month term and a fixed interest rate of 1.00%, with potential for a one-year extension. The affordable sales prices for the units are projected to range from $332,000 for low-income one-bedroom units to $726,000 for moderate-income three-bedroom units. In contrast, the median sales price for new condominiums in the city over the past six months was approximately $1.23 million. As part of the loan agreement, HHP has also committed to increasing the number of moderate-income units from three to six, further supporting the city's goal of providing diverse housing options. The funds will be utilized as construction progresses, with repayment expected from the project's net sales proceeds.

Amendments to the FY 2025 General Fee schedule. The FY 2025 General Fee Schedule was adopted by the City Council on June 3, 2024. While the General Fee Schedule is typically reviewed and updated annually, revisions are made periodically throughout the year as needed. The proposed amendments include the discontinuation of three existing fees and the addition of three new fees.

Amendments to the FY 2025 Capital Improvement Program. Throughout the fiscal year, the Department of Public Works in conjunction with other impacted departments reviews active CIP projects to determine if budgetary changes are needed.

Authorization for the City Manager to transfer title of a 2006 Big Tex Trailer to the City of Arcadia. In 2006, the Pasadena Police Department purchased with OTS grant funding a 2006 Big Tex Trailer to be used for DUI (Driving under the Influence) operations for $24,910. Today the trailer has an estimated value less than $4,999. In FY 2024, the Pasadena Police Department was awarded $45,000 by OTS to purchase a new DUI trailer which has been obtained and is now in use. Public Works Fleet maintenance has decommissioned the 2006 trailer, and it is no longer used for Pasadena police operations. OTS has relinquished interest in the trailer and has asked Staff to consider transferring the trailer to an OTS agency that requested a DUI trailer but did not receive funding from OTS. OTS recommended the City of Arcadia as a potential candidate. The Arcadia Police Department is interested in receiving the trailer. The Arcadia Police Department is an OTS grant funded agency and a mutual aid Area C partner to the Pasadena Police Department.

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