Drivers who have had their car declared a total loss are noticeably impacted by how carriers communicate them.
That's according to survey of U.S. policyholders that shows drivers' emotional state and their overall satisfaction with their carrier are affected by the quality of communications -- or in some cases, the quantity.
Nearly half (49 percent) say they feel frustrated and sad when they learned their vehicle was totaled. And as they navigated the claim process, 55 percent felt they could have been better informed of their claim's progress.
Related article: Why Totaled Auto Losses Are Hard to Pin Down This Year
A majority (60 percent) of those surveyed reported interacting with two or three people on their claim, and nearly half had to repeat basic details of the incident two or three times -- 14 percent said they had to repeat themselves more than four times.
The survey was conducted by Hi Marley, an SMS-driven conversational platform for property/casualty insurance. More than 800 policyholders nationwide who had reported a total loss claim in the past three years were surveyed. They were asked to provide information about their recent experience filing a claim, including the need for support as they navigated the total auto loss claim.
More than half of respondents said their most significant pain points had to do with a lack of understanding and clarity throughout the claim, including not knowing the claim status (11 percent), process, responsibilities, or the next steps (27 percent).
Forty percent of respondents said their time-to-resolution took a month or longer, and these claimants were more likely to experience frustration (68 percent), anger (37 percent) and confusion (37 percent) compared to those whose claims were resolved sooner. More than 40 percent said they would have appreciated additional support or guidance during the claims process.