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What can my dog eat? A look at safe, dangerous human foods for your pup

What can my dog eat? A look at safe, dangerous human foods for your pup

Faithful Friends placed three of the puppies it brought to Delaware Park into new homes Saturday. The winner of the 'Dog Dash' proved the fastest finisher but was still available for a forever home as of late afternoon, August 24, 2024. At least one older shelter dog also received a new home.

First, you get the look with those deep, soulful eyes staring into your heart.

Then, the paw slowly lifts up as if she wants to shake your hand or say "Helllllooooo, I'm right here!"

At that point you immediately wonder, it's only one little piece. Can this hurt my dog?

In many cases, dogs can eat the foods humans eat. However, certain items are best avoided. Here's a little help in finding out what your dog can eat and, when in doubt, check with your veterinarian.

What human foods can dogs eat?

While your dog's diet should mostly contain nutritionally complete dog food, there are some human foods your dog can eat, according to the American Kennel Club.

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Moderation is key with some human foods dogs can have

Just because a dog can eat something, doesn't mean it should.

According to the AKC, you need to watch the portion sizes. Even safe foods with high-fat content or high sodium levels can lead to health problems when given too often or the qualities are too large.

What to do if your dog eats something it shouldn't

If possible, the first call should be to your vet. If your vet is unavailable, call the Pet Poison Helpline at 800-252-7894 or the ASPCA's 24-hour Animal Poison Control Center at 888-426-4435. Also, know where the pet hospital emergency rooms are in your area.

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