Life Buzz News

Huge change in drinking habits revealed as number of Brits quitting booze soars

By Sam Blanchard

Huge change in drinking habits revealed as number of Brits quitting booze soars

Plus, why the survey should be a wake-up call for the alcohol industry

RECORD numbers of young adults are shunning booze -- with more than a third of under-25s now teetotal.

Top reasons for Generation Z -- those aged 18 to 24 -- snubbing alcohol include hangover worries, emotional distress and soaring costs of nights out.

Many youngsters also fear unflattering photos of them drunk appearing on social media.

Young revellers who do partake want "statement drinks", a report claims, with 37 per cent preferring to sup on beverages that are trending online.

Almost half said their "online image" was at the back of their mind when drinking, often ordering "fancier" tipples such as cocktails or champagne -- known as "liquid accessorising".

And two-thirds said they visited a bar for pub games or quiz nights rather than to get blotto.

A similar amount agreed health was important while choosing their drink, with Gen Z opting for low or no-alcohol alternatives an average of 2.1 days per week -- the highest of any age group.

The survey of 2,000 Brits by ad agency Red Brick Road found 27 per cent of all adults now class themselves as non-drinkers, up from 13 per cent two years ago.

That figure jumps to 36 per cent for 18 to 24-year-olds -- up from 24 per cent in 2022.

Around 16 per cent of adults identify as "flexi" -- meaning they switch between booze and non-alcoholic drinks. And 57 per cent describe themselves as drinkers.

Red Brick Road said the survey should be a wake-up call for the alcohol industry and struggling pubs.

Boss David Miller said: "There are some incredibly positive opportunities for savvy brands to align with or leverage.

"There is huge economic opportunity by catering to new behaviours rather than marching to the same old tune."

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