Now DC Comics gets mutants of their very own (Action Comics #1080 Spoilers)
Action Comics #1080 nears the end of the Mark Waid, and Clayton Henry run, with Waid celebrating his final chance to write the main Superman book after so many decades of wanting to. And on his way out, he drops a whole host of new characters, denizens of the Phantom Zone, imprisoned Kryptonians who have now made their way out into the rest of the universe, to which they are laying waste. And, as much of this run has done, continuing to expand upon Kryptonian culture and history. Including... mutants.
Looks like Krypton had its own... well, if not X-Men, then at least its own Brotherhood Of Evil Mutants. Action Comics #1080 is published by DC Comics today, with #1081 out next week... say I wonder if it will have anything to do with the return of General Zod to Superman comics in a big way next year?