Life Buzz News

The Power of Your Tefillah

The Power of Your Tefillah

The following is a letter that I shared with my talmidim to help them have a proper perspective on the upcoming Yomim Noraim. My hope is that others could be inspired as well.

Dear Talmidim,

As we approach the Yomim Noraim, I want to share a thought with you to help with your Tefillah. We begin to daven more during these days as we approach the new year. Boys, your Tefillos actually matter and are so powerful. You have the ability to bring calmness to the turmoil all around us. Many of you hear the news from Eretz Yisroel and from around the world. You may be anxious as you hear so much devastation and sadness. But you also have the power to change that. Your Tefillos could actually bring the geula we are all waiting for.

There is a famous mashal brought from Rabbi Uri Klughaft of Strelisk (1757- 1826) that could help you:

There was once an enormous tree with a huge amount of branches and leaves. The king wanted the tree uprooted, so he promised a tremendous amount of money for anyone who would be successful. Strong people from throughout the world came to uproot it, but they were unsuccessful. The tree was too firmly implanted in the ground. Weeks and months passed without anyone succeeding.

One night, a young child innocently leaned against the tree. Out of nowhere, the whole tree toppled over with a thunderous bang. The tree that the king had wanted to fall, finally fell! Everyone was shocked that such a little child had succeeded in uprooting the sturdy tree!

We all understand that the child wasn't so strong and for sure not as strong as those men who had tried before him. But this child came after dozens had tried, who although had not toppled the tree, had weakened the tree. All it took was that last push to uproot that deeply rooted tree.

Boys, our Tefillos are the same. The geula is almost here. Better times are within view. Great people for generations have davened, and we are lucky to have the zechus to topple the tree.

It has been a long year. K'lal Yisroel has been davening and connecting to Hashem in the most special ways. We could each build on that and have the most special Tefillah.

When you daven for yourself, your family and for K'lal Yisrael, imagine that you are leaning on that tree, giving the final push! Never underestimate the power that you hold with your Tefillah.

Daven like never before, Hashem is waiting and listening to you. I will have you in my mind in my teffilah, please have me in yours.

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