Life Buzz News

Trump's New Cryptocurrency Epically Plummets After Melania Releases Her Own 'Memecoin'

Trump's New Cryptocurrency Epically Plummets After Melania Releases Her Own 'Memecoin'

Nobody is perfect, but some beliefs, actions, and habits are unforgivable.

Realizing that you're dating someone who behaves or thinks in certain ways is devastating, because you have to decide which would be worse: to break up with someone you love, or to put up with beliefs or habits you're uncomfortable with.

Bracing themselves for what they might read, Redditor Negative_Anything_77 asked:

"If you have ever felt disgusted by a partner you had, why was that?"

"He decided he didn't need to wear deodorant in the American South in the summer because he 'sweated out all his toxins and didn't smell bad anymore.'"

"Friends, he smelled like cat p**s, salami, and raw onion sandwich that someone had left in the hot sun in a car over the long weekend, and then rubbed their testicles on. It was really quite a remarkable and complex bouquet of odors."

"I tried to politely and lovingly let him know that he was mistaken, but he did not believe me. We broke up shortly after."

- baby_armadillo

"A couple I went camping with for a week decided to try something she called 'air-bathing.' Basically, the theory was that, through exercise and time out in the sun, the bacteria would 'reach equilibrium' and you wouldn't need unnatural deodorants."

"After three days, we were making them walk and pitch their tent downwind of us. The rest of us were hardly fresh, but they were just THAT bad."

"They cured themselves of it on day five. We were set up next to some evergreen trees on a windier morning, and apparently, the smell of pine and smoke unclouded their noses for a moment, because when they went to pack up their stuff, they were suddenly arguing and blaming each other, because everything they owned smelled awful."

- technos

"We dated for months and always my place. We ended up at her place ONCE and broke up."

"She was actually a very clean person in every other way, BUT she had cats and one of them wasn't litter box trained... She had taught it to use the garbage disposal (one side of the sink with blades for our non-US readers)."

"She taught the cat to poop in the sink, and I decided this was not a long-term solution to my loneliness."

- Armedwithapotato

"The worst part is that that took dedication and effort, and she could have just as easily trained it to use the actual toilet if she was so interested in not using a litter pan. Yeesh."

- Cool-Relative7359

"He didn't wipe his a** all the way and had major skid marks in his underwear, and one time he was wearing his pants plumber-style, and I saw a huge streak of s**t going down his crack."

"When I told him about it, he said he only uses four squares of toilet paper at a time because it's expensive."

- ChronicCrimson420

"My parents used to complain about how much toilet paper I used, and I told them, 'It's better to use too much and be clean than not enough,' and that shut down that complaint instantly."

"It might even be my most decisive win in an argument I'll ever have in my life."

- man_gomer_lot

"As someone who dated an alcoholic for four years, I'm sure there are lots of people who have felt similar levels of disgust."

"The notable ones were one time when he drove home blackout drunk, parked on our neighbor's lawn, and passed out on our porch only for me to find him in the morning while I was heading to work; and another time when he blacked out and left our front door wide open and our dog got out."

"Two other times he blacked out and peed in the bed, which was pretty much the end of it for me. And after seeing what alcohol can do to someone, I can hardly drink at all anymore, which is probably for the best!"

- empenadasrgood

"He had terrible gun safety skills to the point that he would point his pistol at family and friends and go, 'Pew pew pew!' as if it were a joke."

"I left him as soon as he pointed it at me. His family was shocked I had left him over 'something so simple.'"

- notreallypetra

"About 10 years and two children into our relationship, he actually said out loud, 'I didn't really consider women people until I watched you give birth.'"

"We have two daughters. He claims they helped him understand women are humans. He says he grew up with nothing but brothers."

- tek_nein

"EXCUSE ME, WHAT. Please tell me he's an ex with no access to you or your daughters, please."

"I had emergency surgery, and he called me the next morning to complain that he was tired because he'd stayed up 'for me,' and to ask how much 'this' was going to cost and how I was going to pay for it."

"(We were married, and shared expenses and a bank account, but he wanted it to be paid for solely by me.)"

"A year later, he started cheating on me. I found out, and I asked him why. His answer, with tears and snot running down his face, was, 'She wants to have kids with me, and you've been saying you need time.'"

"When my family cat of 15 years died, my ex told me I shouldn't be crying."

"When his dog died, he sobbed like a baby for days. Id**t."

- WendyWasteful

"I called in and took a day off work when my pet died. My boss actually used that later as an example in a meeting to discuss what is and is not a legitimate reason to call in."

"The difference between him and these id**t EXES is that he was distraught at his dog's passing, and when he came back to work, he apologized to me specifically."

- Dr_Adequate

"Her mom 'accidentally' bought too much and wanted to drop off some groceries just in case she needed anything. This woman came to her house with easily 200 or 300 dollars worth of food, toiletries, drinks, soaps, and h**l, there were even two bags of name-brand beef jerky in there."

"It was obvious to me her mom didn't accidentally buy all this stuff. She did it because she loved her daughter and wanted to make sure she was taken care of and had nice things."

"My ex then proceeded to yell and very rudely thanked her mom before making snide remarks about how she didn't like this brand or flavor."

"Jordan, if you're reading this, you're an ugly selfish person, and your mom deserves better. I'm only sorry to your mom that I didn't say something and interject."

- Fiend--65

"I realized that she... was not a moral and honest person and that she was slowly pulling me down with her."

"It didn't start being really evident until after we moved in together but it was stuff like... I just never, ever casually shoplift an item because the line is long, and I can't be bothered to wait."

"I would never keep an item a friend had lent me when I discovered they couldn't remember who they had lent it to (knowing that they weren't now expecting it back)."

"I'm not comfortable lying for personal gain. Trying to claim money I know I'm not entitled to. Lying about an item not having been delivered so that I get a refund."

"Keeping all the cash (and postage stamps) in a wallet found in the street and planning to just throw the rest away."

"None of it was murder or caused serious harm to anyone but over time... it just all gave me the big ick. And it was such a slow creep of behavior that it kind of normalized it in our household and I realized I hated that. It just wasn't me."

"I couldn't respect someone who was basically an opportunistic petty thief, even though she could be very generous and kind in other ways."

- butwhatsmyname

"He never took care of his nails. They were always dirty and long. He would never wash his hands after eating, so there was always food remaining in his nails. It really grossed me out."

- TheMusicLuvr

"Many years ago my boyfriend at the time took me on a little weekend getaway in the big city to try and save our relationship that was hanging by a thread after I caught him emotionally cheating with his ex and several female friends (I'm sure it was physical, too, but since we didn't live together, he had plenty of time to commit misdeeds and get rid of any evidence before the next time I came over, so I never had any proof)."

"He wanted to go to this fancy steakhouse right when we got there, where he proceeded to gorge himself on a steak that wouldn't have looked out of place in an eating contest."

"Bloating and indigestion soon set in and he no longer felt up to doing any of the things we'd planned for the rest of the day, which annoyed me, but whatever. I was okay with just hanging out at the hotel and watching movies, which is what we did until the 28 ounces of beef he had horked down finally worked its way through him."

"He was running to the bathroom every hour for the whole evening, stinking out the entire hotel room each time. I guess he was only cursorily wiping, too, because every time he sat back down, I could smell his a** through his pants."

"I was already halfway out the door due to the cheating to begin with, but that was my 'What the f**k am I doing here' moment. What exactly is it that I love about this guy? Do I really not think I deserve any better than a stank-a** man who can't stay out of his ex's DMs? I'm better than this, godd**nit."

- obsten

"I once watched my middle school boyfriend eat a Chef Boyardee ravioli out of his bare hand and was so nauseated by the sight that I (an immature seventh grader) proceeded to tank the relationship by fully ignoring him for two weeks until he broke up with me."

"I just couldn't look at him without remembering the sight of a ravioli sliding around in his palm."

"When we were laying in bed and I went to kiss him, he pushed me away and said, 'Jesus Ch***t, I can't do anything until I take a shower! You always want to start this at inconvenient times!'"

"Then he jumped up to shower, came back, and said, 'Alright, let's get this over with.'"

"I said no, thank you, and he started whining about how he just took the time to shower for me. I left him after that."

- Stunning_Love504

"She pressured me into marriage talk pretty early into an intense relationship. She told me her favorite ring styles and all."

"I found a gorgeous ring I thought she'd love and gave it to her, and she was instantly like, 'It's nice and all but...' and went into this speech about how it wasn't something she'd wear and told me to take it back and 'try again.'"

"I heard her and her mom laughing about it a few hours later. It wasn't a ring I could take back to the store so I had to get it appraised and sold it for about a third of what I paid for it."

"Needless to say, I did not purchase another because I realized what a marriage with her would be like. Dodged that bullet."

There's no question why these Redditors were disgusted by these accounts and why some of these experiences were the point of no return in some of these relationships.

There are simply some things you can't come back from and others that you can't unsee or pretend you didn't hear, even if you're in love with someone.

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