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Iron shortage in the ocean's 'twilight zone' could be suffocating our planet's carbon sink

Iron shortage in the ocean's 'twilight zone' could be suffocating our planet's carbon sink

The discovery of iron deficiency in the ocean's twilight zone presents new challenges for oceanographers and climate scientists. Future research will need to incorporate these findings into models of ocean nutrient cycles and carbon sequestration. Understanding the role of iron-limited microbes in the twilight zone may be crucial for accurately predicting the ocean's response to climate change.

The researchers collected seawater samples from various depths across the eastern Pacific Ocean during a GEOTRACES expedition. They used advanced analytical techniques, including liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, to detect and measure siderophores in the water samples. Additionally, they conducted experiments using isotope-labeled iron compounds to track how quickly microbes consumed added iron. This combination of chemical analysis and experimental manipulation allowed them to assess iron availability and microbial iron stress across different ocean regions and depths.

The study found high concentrations of siderophores not only in surface waters but also in the twilight zone (200-400 meters deep) of the eastern Pacific Ocean. This indicates widespread iron deficiency among microbes in these regions, challenging previous assumptions about nutrient availability at these depths. The team also observed rapid uptake of added iron compounds in their experiments, further confirming the iron-stressed state of the microbial communities in the twilight zone.

While the study provides compelling evidence for iron deficiency in the twilight zone, it primarily focused on the eastern Pacific Ocean. More research is needed to confirm if similar conditions exist in other ocean basins. Additionally, the study of siderophores in the ocean is still in its early stages, and researchers are still working to understand the full complexity of microbial iron acquisition strategies in different marine environments.

This discovery challenges our previous understanding of what limits microbial activity in the ocean's twilight zone. It suggests that iron availability might be an overlooked factor in shaping the efficiency of the ocean's biological carbon pump. The findings have significant implications for how we model ocean carbon cycling and could impact predictions of the ocean's future role in absorbing atmospheric carbon dioxide. Future research will need to investigate how climate change might alter iron dynamics in the twilight zone and what consequences this could have for global carbon cycles and climate regulation.

This research was funded by grants from the National Science Foundation and the Simons Foundation. The study was part of GEOTRACES, an international effort to provide high-quality data for the study of climate-driven changes in ocean biogeochemistry. The authors declared no competing interests, ensuring the integrity and independence of the study's findings.

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