Bella Casile, 13, dressed as an elf, and Rhian Sabo, 15, dressed as the Grinch, pass out candy canes Dec. 7 along Freeport Road as part of Best of Blawnox's annual cookie tour.
Amanda Shirk's favorite part of the fourth annual Best of Blawnox cookie tour was visiting new borough businesses she didn't otherwise know about.
Complemented by cookies and camaraderie, it wasn't too shabby of a Saturday afternoon.
"I've enjoyed finding new business," said Shirk of Cheswick, while visiting the newly opened Harp and Hound Jewelry store. "It shows it's a nice community to live in and be a part of."
Best of Blawnox's cookie tour and Night of Lights on Dec. 7 brought many to Freeport Road, the heart of the borough's business district.
Twenty-five businesses participated in the cookie tour, according to borough Manager Kathy Ulanowicz.
"People can go in, see their business and have a cookie," Ulanowicz said. "People look forward to it. It keeps getting bigger each year."
The Night of Lights -- which featured a visit from Santa -- followed the cookie tour. It included activities at the Veterans Monument, at the corner of Freeport and North Avenue, and at Hoboken Presbyterian Church.
Dana Canelli, mother of 4-year-old Nathan Thompson, lauded the event.
"It's a cool concept," said Canelli of O'Hara. "He's having a good time -- how can you not, with cookies?"