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United States Senate Committee On HOMELAND SECURITY & GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS EXAMINATION OF U.S. SECRET SERVICE PLANNING AND SECURITY FAILURES RELATED TO THE JULY 13, 2024 ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT Interim Joint Report HSGAC & Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations Bipartisan Staff Report September 2024

TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION............ Committee Actions to Date II. FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. III. USSS PLANNING AND SECURITY FAILURES FOR JULY 13, 2024, RALLY A. Overview of USSS Planning and Security Assignments for the July 13 Rally B. Planning Failures. 1 3 7 11 12 14 USSS Advance Personnel Roles and Responsibilities Were Unclear and Lacked Accountability USSS Failed to Sufficiently Coordinate With State and Local Law Enforcement... USSS Did Not Adequately Cover the AGR Building . 15 16 19 Multiple Law Enforcement Line-of-Sight Concerns Were Not Sufficiently Mitigated in Advance of July 13 33 Resource Requests for Additional Assets Were Denied and Others Were Not Made .33 Errors in security planning documents. 36 C. Communications Failures............. 37 Key USSS personnel were never informed that local law enforcement was searching for a suspicious person with a rangefinder prior to shots being fired. .40 USSS officials expected the USSS Security Room would relay relevant information from all law enforcement agencies ...... 41 Siloed communications hindered information sharing at the July 13 rally. .42 Responsibilities for the USSS Security Room were not well defined or clearly understood..49 D. "I got him" - USSS Counter Snipers and Local Snipers Describe Line-of-sight and Communication Limitations ...... 50 The USSS Counter Sniper Team Leader saw local law enforcement running toward the AGR building with their guns drawn, but did not radio the Trump detail to remove Trump from the stage 54 Crooks was in the Secret Service counter sniper's sights for "mere seconds" before he fired at Crooks. 59 E. Intelligence Concerns. 60 A Secret Service official was made aware that "credible intelligence" existed of a threat, but still wrote in a security planning document that there was "no adverse intelligence" concerning the visit to Butler, PA. Other Secret Service officials involved in the planning of the rally told the Committee they had no knowledge of any threats and the FBI did not respond to USSS' intelligence request. F. Counter Unmanned Aircraft System Failures....... .60 63 66 Requests for additional counter drone equipment and drone flight restrictions were denied. . ..... 67

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