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What happens when an unstoppable force clashes with an immovable object... in Tatsunoko vs. Capcom?

By John Velociraptor Guerrero

What happens when an unstoppable force clashes with an immovable object... in Tatsunoko vs. Capcom?

The ultimate big beam clash is an iconic motif in anime that we've now seen countless times, often giving audiences a stressfully detailed perception of just how hard the struggle between good and evil can be at climactic points. That same clash, though transformed through the medium, often occurs in fighting video games as well, especially in over the top and fireworks-filled team fighters like 2008's Tatsunoko vs. Capcom.

In his latest video creation Desk has conjured up some high stakes scenarios that explore what happens when the game's most unstoppable onslaughts of offense are shot off at one another simultaneously.

It's one thing when Ryu manifests a Shinku Hadoken at the same moment Frank West, for instance, throws on his Mega Man cosplay for a Megabuster, but another when you pair two mirrored teams of Ryu and Frank launching off four supers at the same time.

This is where Desk's imaginative project starts, but it only progresses from there. Sure, the multicolored explosions and zero damage after the dust clears thereafter can be surprising to see once or twice, but what if you had enough meter for each character to launch more than one Super, and they take turns in a back and forth?

What happens when you take control of one of the game's giant boss characters, who do not play by the same rules as the standard roster thanks to armor properties and even more ridiculously powerful super attacks?

Leave it to Desk to turn things on their heads and see if he can pull off a super-filled sequence wherein the super attacks mostly whiff as characters are strategically positioned (in other words, he momentarily tricks the game) to face away from one another while blasting all their meter into the void.

Get a peak into the creative mind of Desk, who times the beats of the action to line up with the rhythm of a deep cut piece of background music from Eschatos, as he presents "Clash.mp4" in the style of Tatsunoko vs. Capcom below.

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