Life Buzz News

Last night Vance kept talking about energy when asked about climate change.

Last night Vance kept talking about energy when asked about climate change.

Knowing full well that the vast majority of our energy comes from fossil fuels such as coal, gas, and

oil or its byproducts of which their combustion produces greenhouse gases such as CO2 and CH4.

And those gases cause climate warming which causes once locked away methane (CH4) in the perma-

frost in the arctic and mountain soils to be released as the ground unfreezes. The warmer climate also

is causing a change in the environmental conditions in our forests and they become hotter and drier

which leads to more and intense forest and vegetation fires which then releases even more CO2 into

the atmosphere and that accelerates the planet's warming along which the burned out forests and

vegetation areas will not fix as much CO2 as they once did.

In the summer of '23 Ohio had 20 to 30 smoke days via the Canadian wild fires in areas that used to

never "carry forest fires" because the ground and forest floor areas stayed wet year round. And along

coastal New Jersey 100s if not thousands of acres of white cedar forests are dying as our warmer atmosphere melts the ice caps in the polar regions and our glaciers which cause sea levels to rise

which floods the cedar forest wetlands with salt water which kills the cedar trees and dead trees don't

fix CO2 too.

Btw I too am adding to the problem right now because I just turned on my oven and coffee pot which

use electricity that is produced by coal or gas.

This is not new science and we and the rest of the world knows what we should do but the fossil fuel

industries along with their paid off politicians are spending billions of $s blocking what needs to be

done and muddying the waters of education and science about the real facts we have to deal with.

A body of gas will hold more heat when you increase the amount of CO2 in it and that is covered by

one of the universal gas laws that is at least 160 years old.

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